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Get ORNL DAAC Data Products and Services
Simple Search Tool
The simple search is the search performed by the search box atop each main Web page on this Web site. By default this search queries archived ORNL DAAC data products for user specified keyword. Optionally this tool can be used to search our Web site pages, by selecting search this site from the drop-down options on the search box.

Search for Data
The Search for data option from the "Get Data Menu" opens a metadata search system that allows users to perform a Simple Search, an Advanced Search, or a Browse Tree Search.

Video tutorial of the ORNL DAAC search and order interface. The tutorial covers a simple search for a data set, data visualization options, data ordering and download. The tutorial covers one aspect of the search and order interface. To watch the tutorial click here

  • Simple Search - performs a full text search of ORNL DAAC archived data products

  • Advanced Search - provides options for keyword searching, and both spatial and temporal searching, and searches multiple data sources such as:
    • ORNL DAAC Archived Data
    • Land Validation Data
    • Regional and Global Data
    • Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network
    • Organization of Biological Field stations

  • Browse Tree Search - allows users to browse directory trees for archived ORNL DAAC products, Regional and Global Data, and Land Validation Data by:
    • Data Set title
    • Parameter/Source/Site
    • Site/Sensor/Parameter
    • Topic/Term/Parameter
    • Parameter/Source/Sensor
    If you are unfamiliar with EOS data products, Browse Tree is a great way to learn about our metadata.

All Projects a.k.a. Product Overview
The All Projects selection from the "Get Data" tab provides a brief description of all the data projects archived at ORNL DAAC. A link is provided to list and download the data sets available within each project.

All Data Sets a.k.a. Complete Product List
The All Data sets from the "Get Data" tab provides a list by category of the number of data sets available within each project. The project name is a link to the list of available data sets within each project, where the data set can be downloaded.


Revision Date: June 04, 2012 webmaster