The objective of this work was to construct a long-term data set of daily precipitation on half degree and one degree latitude/longitude grids over the global land areas. The analyses are defined by interpolating station observations from GTS (Global Telecommunications System) gauges using the algorithm of Shepard (1968). The algorithm of Shepard (1968) has been widely used to interpolate gauge observations of monthly, pentad, and daily precipitation (Rudolf 1993, Xie et al. 1996). This algorithm is used to interpolate the irregularly distributed station observations onto grid points. The weighting coefficients are inversely proportional to the gauge-grid point distance and are adjusted by a cosine function taking into account the directional isolation of each gauge relative to all other nearby gauges. There are 6 data files with this data set.     
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This data set contains 468 data granules
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Granule Name Variables Metadata Preview Image
    Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1986 number of rain gauges Projection: WGS 84
Spatial Extent: N: 90, S: -90, E: 180, W: -180
Start DateTime: 1986-04-01
End DateTime: 1986-04-30
Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1986
    Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1987 number of rain gauges Projection: WGS 84
Spatial Extent: N: 90, S: -90, E: 180, W: -180
Start DateTime: 1987-04-01
End DateTime: 1987-04-30
Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1987
    Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1988 number of rain gauges Projection: WGS 84
Spatial Extent: N: 90, S: -90, E: 180, W: -180
Start DateTime: 1988-04-01
End DateTime: 1988-04-30
Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1988
    Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1989 number of rain gauges Projection: WGS 84
Spatial Extent: N: 90, S: -90, E: 180, W: -180
Start DateTime: 1989-04-01
End DateTime: 1989-04-30
Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1989
    Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1990 number of rain gauges Projection: WGS 84
Spatial Extent: N: 90, S: -90, E: 180, W: -180
Start DateTime: 1990-04-01
End DateTime: 1990-04-30
Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1990
    Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1991 number of rain gauges Projection: WGS 84
Spatial Extent: N: 90, S: -90, E: 180, W: -180
Start DateTime: 1991-04-01
End DateTime: 1991-04-30
Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1991
    Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1992 number of rain gauges Projection: WGS 84
Spatial Extent: N: 90, S: -90, E: 180, W: -180
Start DateTime: 1992-04-01
End DateTime: 1992-04-30
Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1992
    Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1993 number of rain gauges Projection: WGS 84
Spatial Extent: N: 90, S: -90, E: 180, W: -180
Start DateTime: 1993-04-01
End DateTime: 1993-04-30
Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1993
    Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1994 number of rain gauges Projection: WGS 84
Spatial Extent: N: 90, S: -90, E: 180, W: -180
Start DateTime: 1994-04-01
End DateTime: 1994-04-30
Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1994
    Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1995 number of rain gauges Projection: WGS 84
Spatial Extent: N: 90, S: -90, E: 180, W: -180
Start DateTime: 1995-04-01
End DateTime: 1995-04-30
Daily Number of Rain Gauges Per Gridbox 0.5-Degree: April 1995