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What is a clear definition of “Core” (1 answer)

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I am conducting a Core Logistics Analysis (CLA) on a weapon system and have been asked to list all “Core Items”, however I have been unable to clearly define what makes an item core.  Where can I find a clear clearly defined definition of "Core" ?

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    Jan 30, 2013
    David, I'm not sure of the exact nature of your question but I can offer a few points of interest that will help you answer most questions you might have regarding your project to conduct a Core Logistics Analysis. I'll do this by offering you a list of references in the order, I think, will be most useful. This might be a thousand times more info than you need right now but you'll likely need to do other reports to get through your upcoming milestone decisions like, a Level of Repair Analysis, Core Depot Assessment, and Depot source of Repair Analysis. All of these studies and report will become addendums to your programs' Life Cycle Sustainment Plan. These references are mostly Armycentric but those references are clear. Hope this helps!


    10 USC 2464 "Core Depot-Level Maintenance and Repair Capabilities". This statute establishes the requirement for DOD to maintain a Core Depot Maintenance Capability.

    ASA(ALT) Core Logistics (CLA) Policy Memo (24 Jan 2012). This document is probably the clearest guidance on what your CLA should contain provided in an outline format. Key here is the ACAT level of the program and whether there is a depot level maintenance requirement. Your CLA can be pretty brief or more involved based on these two parameters.

    10 USC 2460 Definition of Depot-Level Maintenance and Repair. As the title suggests, this statute provides us with the highest level definition of depot-level maintenance...and exceptions.

    DODD 4151.18 Maintenance of Military Materiel establishes the policies and assigns responsibilities for the performance of maintenance on DOD materiel to include weapon systems, hardware, equipment, software or any combination and whether organic or contract sources. This Directive specifically provides for organic maintenance for inherently Government Core Capability requirements IAW 10 USC 2464. Directive also establishes responsibilities for the Under Secretary of Defense (A, T and L) and Heads of the DOD Components.

    DODI 4151-20 Depot Maintenance Core Capabilities Determination Process implements the policy directed by 4151.18. The Instruction assign responsibilities and sets up the procedures to identify Core Capabilities for depot maintenance and associated workloads needed to sustain those capabilities. This document really sets policy for reporting core capability every other year. Here is where DOD components are instructed to develop plans to mitigate core workload shortfalls (usually reported up thru DA G-4). THERE’S A LOT MORE THAT CAN BE SAID ABOUT THIS DODI).

    AR 70-1 Army Acquisition Policy: Research, Development and Acquisition. Establishes Army acquisition policy and responsibilities. Sets down the roles and responsibilities by command and particularly lays out the responsibilities of the PM and MATDEV community (documenting Supportability Strategies to include depot level support).

    AR 750-1 Maintenance of Supplies and Equipment: Army Materiel Maintenance Policy. This regulation establishes policies and assigns responsibilities for the maintenance of Army materiel. It defines requirements for performance and management of the materiel maintenance functions. Chapter 5 of this regulation is important to our LCMC as it lays responsibilities governing the PPBE of depot maintenance. Provides Army guidance defining Core as promulgated in 2464 and DOD documents.

    AR 700-127 Integrated Logistics Support. This regulation sets Army policy for planning, developing , acquiring and sustaining well defined, affordable support strategies that meet War Fighter requirements for Army materiel throughout its life cycle. It also implements the total life cycle logistics requirements outlined in DODD 5000.01 and DODI 5000.02. Important to the LCMC is that this regulation further lays out the PM responsibility in documenting core requirements through its CLA which defines to what degree, within its supportability strategies, it will comply with the 10 USC statutes governing depot maintenance.

    AMC-R 750-10 Joint Depot Maintenance Program. This regulation implements the requirements from DODD 4151.18 and DODI 5000.2 mandatory procedures for MDAPs and MAIS acquisition programs. The key point of this regulation is implementation process for assigning depot source of repair. This process leaned heavily on the functions performed by the Joint Depot Maintenance Activities Group (JDMAG) formerly located at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. This joint service group generally performed review of DMI studies and other duties associated with interservice depot maintenance and DSOR decisions. JDMAG was disestablished Mar 2012. Those activities performed by the group are still in limbo. New DSOR process guidance has not been developed yet.

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Date CreatedWednesday, January 9, 2013 1:00 PM
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