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Genome Science Program Contractor-Grantee Workshops

The Genome Science Program holds annual meetings of their funding awardees. Research abstracts from these meetings are published in book form.

These meetings have been held jointly with the Metabolic Engineering Working Group Interagency Conference on Metabolic Engineering (2006-08) and with the USDA-DOE Plant Feedstock Genomics for Bioenergy Awardee Workshop (2009, 2007).

The abstracts outline progress toward the Program's goal of achieving a predictive, systems-level understanding of plants, microbes, and biological communities, via integration of fundamental science and technology development, to enable biological solutions to DOE mission challenges, including energy, environment, and climate.

Genome Science Program Awardee Annual Workshop Reports

Foundational Research

  • Human Genome Project (1990-2003) workshop proceedings. Note these workshop reports also include abstracts for the Microbial Genome Project (1994-2005) .

Now Featuring

Report Cover

DOE JGI Strategic Planning for the Genomic Sciences [8/12]

Plant Feedstock Genomics for Bioenergy Abstracts [08/12]

2012 Genomic Science Awardee Meeting X Abstracts

report cover

Applications of New DOE National User Facilities in Biology [2/12]



Genomic Science-Related BER Research Highlights