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SOI Tax Stats - Release and Dissemination

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Release and Dissemination of SOI’s Statistical Products

Release of SOI Statistical Products:

When SOI statistical products are released to the public on this site, the following will occur in a timely manner:

To receive news releases via email, subscribe to the IRS Newswire.

  • A listserv announcement will be sent to customers announcing the new statistical product(s) via SOI’s email dispatch system. Subscribe to the dispatch system.
  • Information on the new statistical product(s) will be available on the “What’s New” Tax Stats page.
  • When electronic versions of publications are released to the public on this site, print copies of publications will typically be made available within 2 weeks of upload to the Web.

Unscheduled Corrections to SOI Statistical Products:

When previously unrecognized errors are found in any SOI statistical product, the following will occur in a timely manner:

  • A listserv announcement will be sent to customers announcing the data error(s) and correction( s) via SOI’s email dispatch system. Subscribe to the dispatch system.
  • Information on data error(s) and correction(s) will be available on the “What’s New” Tax Stats page.
  • The correction(s) will be published in print format in the publication in which data error(s) originally appeared.
  • A revision date will be added to corrected statistical products that appear on this site. 

Release of Preliminary and Final Versions of SOI Statistical Products:

For some of its statistical products, SOI releases preliminary estimates that are subsequently updated and finalized. For those products, initial and final releases will follow the steps set forth above. In addition, the following will occur:

  • Estimates will be clearly identified as preliminary in statistical products on this site and in appropriate print
  • An expected date of release for updated and finalized estimates will be made available in statistical products on this site and in appropriate print publication(s) . 
  • A reference to the release of preliminary estimates and appropriate explanations of the methodology and reasons for the revisions will be provided in statistical products on this site and in appropriate print publication( s).
  • Final estimates will be clearly identified as such.

Schedule for Release of SOI's Statistical Products:

Scientific Integrity of Principle Statistical Agencies:

On December 17, 2010, the Whitehouse Office of Science and Technology Policy issued a Memorandum requiring the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies to draft and release a statement emphasizing the importance of science in guiding administration decisions and ensuring that the public has confidence in the science used to support those decisions.   SOI affirms its commitment to the principle of scientific integrity in the following statement, which has been endorsed by each of the 14 principle Federal statistical agencies.

Statement of Commitment to Scientific Integrity by Principal Statistical Agencies



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Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 2012-08-12