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E&P Focus Newsletter


The oil and gas exploration and production R&D newsletter, E&P Focus, is a quarterly publication highlighting the latest developments in R&D being carried out by NETL. E&P Focus promotes the widespread dissemination of research results among all types of oil and gas industry stakeholders: producers, researchers, educators, regulators, and policymakers. Each issue provides up-to-date information regarding extramural projects managed under the Strategic Center for Natural Gas and Oil’s traditional oil and gas program, the EPAct Section 999 Program administered by the Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America (RPSEA), and in-house oil and gas research carried out by NETL’s Office of Research and Development.

To subscribe electronically to E&P Focus please visit the NETL public mailing lists webpage and click on the "EPFocus" link under "List".

NEW! Summer 2012 Issue [PDF-3.94MB]
This issue of E&P Focus highlights several field based projects, including a resource characterization project describing multicomponent seismic evaluation of the potential to sequester flowback water in the Marcellus. Also included are three discussions of field demonstration projects: electric power generation from produced water, pilot testing of a high salinity brine treatment, and advanced logging technology to increase the success of drilling a productive lateral in a mature field.

Spring 2012 Issue [PDF-3.28MB]
This issue reviews ongoing R&D aimed at improving CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). Included are discussions of: real-time CO2 flood monitoring; improvements in mobility, conformance and sweep efficiency; near-miscible applications in the Arbuckle reservoirs in central Kansas; and the increasing potential of CO2 EOR in residual oil zones.

Fall 2011 Issue [PDF-3.28MB]
In this issue read about NETL research focusing on expanding E&P capabilities in deepwater and ultra-deepwater regions in an environmentally responsible manner. Included are overviews of NETL-sponsored projects directed at developing technologies to further increase discovery ratios and production in the Gulf of Mexico.

Summer 2011 Issue [PDF-3.43MB]
In this issue you will learn about NETL's R&D program to improve fracturing performance through fracture modeling and technology development. Also included is a discussion of a NETL-sponsored program named FracFocus that provides a website, readily accessible by the public, where operators can voluntarily list components in fracturing fluids.

Winter 2011 Issue [PDF-1.83MB]
In this issue read about NETL research focusing on R&D in the Bakken Shale
Included are an overview of activity levels in the Bakken and its importance to the oil supply of the nation, in addition to several articles detailing specific R&D projects funded by NETL to help characterize the Bakken Shale resource and aid in the development of well construction and completion technologies that will maximize production from this important resource. Also included is an analysis of the need for additional North Dakota refining capacity to handle the ever increasing volume of Bakken oil production.

Summer 2010 Issue [PDF-2.75MB]
In this issue read about NETL research focusing on shale gas production in the U.S.

  • Challenges Facing Developers of the Marcellus Shale
  • Recovery of Low-TDS Frac Flowback Water for Re-use
  • Test Use for Mine Drainage Water
  • Toll for Water Management

Spring 2010 Issue [PDF-3.21MB]
In this issue read about NETL research focusing on independent producers

  • The Stripper Well Consortium
  • Improved Pump-Off Controls
  • Brine Contaminated Soil Remediation
  • On-Line Portal to Help with Pit Siting and Regulatory Compliance
  • Chemical EOR
  • Help with Mature Fields

Winter 2009 Issue [PDF-3.10MB]
In this issue read about:

  • Environmentally Friendly Drilling Program
  • Shale Water Technology
  • Ice Road Construction in Alaska
  • Innovative Water Management
  • Air Monitoring
  • Hurricane Study Could Lead to New Design Standards in GOM

Fall 2009 Issue [PDF-3.29MB]
In this issue read about:

  • Southern Alabama CO2 EOR Project
  • Major Oil Plays in Utah
  • Unconventional Oil Development and Research
  • Bakken Shale Development
  • Seismic Stimulation
  • Polymer Flooding

Summer 2009 Issue [PDF-4.31MB]
In this issue read about:

  • Appalachian Shale Gas
  • Optimized Re-Fracturing of Gas Wells
  • Irrigating with CBM Water
  • Fayetteville Shale GIS Data Online
  • Subsea Processing Simulation
  • Produced Water Treatment with Gas Hydrates

Spring 2009 Issue [PDF-3.12MB]
In this issue read about:

  • Deepwater subsea power generation
  • Alabama gas shale resources
  • Near-miscible carbon dioxide EOR
  • NETL's new HPHT drilling simulator
  • Bakken shale research initiatives

Please click on the links below to access back issues of “E&P Focus.” More on NETL E&P Technologies

2007 Issue

2006 Issue - PDF 995KB

Quarter 4 2005 Issue - PDF 619KB

Quarter 3 2005 Issue - PDF 861KB

Quarter 2 2005 Issue - PDF 900KB

Quarter 1 2005 Issue - PDF 424KB