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Alumni Programs

Russia Alumni Central

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Stay Connected with Russian alumni and the global alumni network on the State Alumni On-line community.

The U.S. Embassy in Moscow and Consulates in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok are committed to supporting alumni by providing resources that will help them to build upon their exchange experience.

Alumni Opportunities

U.S. government-sponsored exchange program participants and alumni living in Russia have a number of opportunities to be involved in post-exchange activities, as well as receive access to specialized resources such as:

  • Alumni associations
  • Event such as: conferences, receptions, roundtables, and training sessions
  • Specialized resources including Information Resource Centers (
  • Other opportunities involving alumni-run initiatives (i.e., mentoring, volunteering, conferences, etc.)

If you are an alumnus(a) and have ideas for events or activities, we want to hear from you! Please contact:

Who are USG Program alumni?

Since 1992 U.S. Government-funded exchange programs have brought more than 55,000 Russian citizens to the United States for training. These programs give participants an opportunity to obtain knowledge and develop skills in their fields of expertise and establish valuable contacts with U.S. colleagues. Returning participants of exchange and training programs have become known as "alumni" of USG programs. Click here to see a list of currently existing exchange programs.

Online Global Community for Alumni

State Alumni is the official website for more than 1,000,000 alumni of exchange programs sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Interactive, dynamic, and password-protected, offers alumni from U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs a place to:

  • Network with alumni from various programs
  • Find grant and funding opportunities worth more than $33 billion
  • Access more than 20,000 free periodicals, newspapers, and more
  • Find the latest research in your field, plus job and careerresources
  • Participate in Q&A Live discussions with experts
  • Share your experience with a global audience
  • Read alumni success stories, perspectives, and ideas
  • Stay involved through a local alumni associations

The emphasis in State Alumni is on user-created content, so members are encouraged to post events, job announcements, news, photos, and grant opportunities directly to State Alumni. To access the global community, please click on the link below:

All alumni are invited to register for the site by clicking “Join Now.” All members are verified as alumni of a U.S. government-sponsored exchange program before receiving full access.

The Alumni Russia Community

In addition to the State Alumni website, the US Embassy in Moscow has developed the “Alumni Russia Community”.

Tailored to the needs of the Russian-speaking alumni, the “Alumni Russia Community” contains many of the same features as State Alumni, such as jobs, grants, news and other opportunities, but is specific to Russia and has a Russian-language content

Once alumni log in to State Alumni, they can select the "Alumni Russia”from the "Communities” drop-down on the right-hand side of the State Alumni home page. Only alumni from Russia are given access to the community.

Alumni Small Grants Program

The U.S. Embassy in Moscow is accepting small grant applications on a rolling basis until August 15, 2011 or until funds are exhausted. Any alumni of U.S. Government exchange programs or organizations working with USG alumni are eligible to apply. Completed applications and questions must be addressed to

Priority consideration will be given to applicants who:

  • Work with an American Center or Corner to implement the grant
  • Work with an alumni association to implement the grant
  • Strengthen the alumni community

Priority will further be given to applicants who:

  • Cooperate with alumni from different programs to implement the grant
  • Are ineligible for alumni grants offered through implementing NGOs such as American Councils for International Education, IREX, or Fulbright Office
  • Demonstrate the wider community impact resulting from the grant activity
  • Propose budgets under $5,000.00

You can find more information about Alumni Small Grants Program on the Alumni Russia Community web-page

Alumni Associations

Other Useful Links

How you can contact us:

For questions regarding the State Alumni website, please visit and click on "contact us."

For all questions about alumni activities in Russia please contact us