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News in 2012

  • 707603main_kappa_and_b_labelscut

    November 19, 2012

    Shootin' a Sup-Jup

    Astronomers using infrared data from the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii have discovered a "super-Jupiter" around the bright star Kappa Andromedae, which now holds the record for the most massive star known to host a directly imaged planet or lightweight brown dwarf companion.

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  • Eso1245a

    November 15, 2012

    Float on

    Astronomers have snapped a picture of what is very likely to be a free-floating orphan exoplanet.

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  • 703313main_pia16212b_full

    November 01, 2012

    Seed belts

    New study finds that asteroid belts of the right size and density may be key to creating habitable exoplanets.

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  • Guyon_2012_hi-res-download_1

    October 26, 2012

    Q & A with a "genius"

    PlanetQuest talks with Olivier Guyon about what it feels like to get the "genius" phone call and what he plans to do with the award.

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  • Eso1241a

    October 16, 2012

    A new neighbor

    Astronomers have discovered an exoplanet orbiting the star closest to our own.

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  • 696966main_exoupclose_ratio_946-710

    October 15, 2012

    Fours to be reckoned with

    The discovery of planets continues to expand beyond the domain of professional astronomers. A joint effort of amateur astronomers and scientists has led to the first reported case of a planet orbiting a double star that, in turn, is orbited by a second distant pair of stars.

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  • Guyon_2012_hi-res-download_2

    October 11, 2012

    Guyon the genius

    JPL scientist Olivier Guyon has been named one of the 2012 MacArthur Fellows, a prestigious award popularly known as the “genius grant.”

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  • Eso_-_the_planetary_system_in_gliese_581_(by)

    September 28, 2012

    Massive, but missing magnetism?

    A new study finds that "super-Earths" may lack a magnetic field, which could make them difficult places for life to survive.

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  • Pulsar_small

    September 28, 2012

    Electric evidence

    Scientists theorize that radiation-pummeled pulsar planets may be bathed in an "electromagnetic wake".

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  • 687509main_pia15802-43_946-710

    September 14, 2012

    A buzz-worthy find

    NASA-funded astronomers have, for the first time, spotted planets orbiting sun-like stars in a crowded cluster of stars. The findings offer the best evidence yet that planets can sprout up in dense stellar environments.

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  • Hotcoldsystem-sm

    September 11, 2012

    Extreme life on eccentric exos?

    While the hunt continues for the elusive Earth-like 'blue dot,' astronomers have discovered a collection of odd exoplanets.

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  • One_day_moon_palomar_200

    September 06, 2012

    Earth-hunting, guerilla style

    Exoplanet hunter John Johnson is spearheading a grassroots effort to build a lean, mean, Earth-hunting telescope in the hills of Southern California.

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  • 681723main_kepler47_art_4x3_800-600

    August 28, 2012

    Binary buddies

    Kepler has found the first multiple-planet solar system orbiting a pair of stars, revealing a brand new kind of solar system.

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  • Wolszczanredgiantplanet

    August 27, 2012

    A ravenous red giant

    Astronomers have discovered evidence of a planet that's been consumed by its "red giant" star. This event could mirror the fate of planets like Earth when our sun expands into its red giant phase.

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  • Johnsontop

    August 08, 2012

    Where are the giants?

    A group of astronomers including John Johnson of Caltech has found that data from Kepler may show that Jupiter-size planets might not be as easy to come by as smaller, rocky worlds like Earth.

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  • Pia15802-full

    June 21, 2012

    Odd couple

    Astronomers have discovered a pair of neighboring planets with dissimilar densities orbiting very close to each other.

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  • Spitzerdisco

    May 08, 2012

    Alien light forms

    NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has detected light emanating from a "super-Earth" planet beyond our solar system for the first time.

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  • Kepler

    April 04, 2012


    NASA's Kepler mission has been approved for extension through fiscal year 2016 based on a recommendation from the Agency’s Senior Review of its operating missions.

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  • Eso_planettop

    March 29, 2012

    Bounty of red dwarf worlds

    A new result from ESO’s HARPS planet finder shows that rocky planets not much bigger than Earth are very common in the habitable zones around faint red stars. The international team estimates that there are tens of billions of such planets in the Milky Way galaxy alone, and probably about one hundred in the Sun’s immediate neighbourhood.

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  • Hs-2012-13-a-large_web

    February 21, 2012

    NASA's Hubble reveals a new class of extrasolar planet

    Observations by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have come up with a new class of planet, a waterworld enshrouded by a thick, steamy atmosphere. It's smaller than Uranus but larger than Earth.

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  • 120202-space-superearth-715a.grid-10x2

    February 02, 2012

    Huge, but habitable?

    A newly-discovered super-Earth in a triple-star system could potentially be an Earth-like planet.

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  • Pia15264-640

    January 26, 2012

    Eleven on deck

    Kepler discovers 26 planets in 11 new solar systems.

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  • Pia15257

    January 11, 2012

    Tiny trio

    Astronomers using data from NASA's Kepler mission have discovered the three smallest planets yet detected orbiting a star beyond our sun.

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  • Hs-2012-07-a-xlarge_web

    January 11, 2012

    Plenty of planets

    Our Milky Way galaxy contains, on average, a minimum of one planet for every star, according to a new statistical study.

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  • Kepler-img

    January 01, 2012

    Kepler's big year

    2011 showed NASA's Kepler mission finding its stride. 2012 could be even bigger.

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