Our EGT Staff

Laura Wittman

Program Analyst

Laura WittmanLaura Wittman is an environmental scientist serving the Ecosystem Goal Team (EGT) as a Program Analyst. Laura assists with overall EGT programmatic tasks and goals, as well as communications. Laura works on website content, development and maintenance under the communications lead. She also produces the quarterly EGT Newsletter, which aims to spotlight EGT Program accomplishments and facilitate communications within EGT Programs and the greater NOAA community.

Laura received her undergraduate degree in environmental science focusing in biology from Skidmore College in 2005. She spent the next two years working as a research and teaching assistant at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, MA. At MBL, Laura assisted on a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded project studying the eutrophication of a local Cape Cod estuary, completing lab and field work focusing on better understanding the biogeochemistry of the ecosystem. As a teaching assistant for the Semester in Environmental Science (SES) Program, Laura instructed undergraduates from various universities in lab and field exercises aimed at improving their understanding of ecosystem processes. Laura comes to the EGT after completing her Master of Environmental Management (MEM) degree from Duke's Nicholas School of the Environment, where she focused on ecosystem conservation, science and policy.