Coastal Marine Resources
Fisheries Management
Protected Species
Ecosystem Observations
Coral Reef Conservation
Ecosystem Research

Coastal & Marine Resources

Program Mission

The Coastal and Marine Resources Program (CMRP) protects, restores, and manages coastal and marine habitats in U.S. coastal states and territories, maintains or improves the quality of these ecosystems and the resources that depend on them, manages coastal land uses to protect ecosystem health; gives priority to coast-dependent uses, reduces the vulnerability of lives and property to coastal hazards, and educates the public on actions and decisions that impact coastal and ocean resources. CMRP includes the Coastal Zone Management Program (CZMP), the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS), the National Marine Sanctuaries Program (NMSP), the Marine Protected Areas Center (MPA), the Coastal Services Center (CSC), the Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology (CICEET), and the Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program (CELCP).

CMRP recognizes that the long-term health and economic benefits of coastal and marine ecosystems require adaptive management, strong commitment and sustained partnerships between federal, state, tribal, and local governments, universities, industries, and non-governmental organizations. Using a comprehensive approach that addresses both direct and indirect impacts of ecological and anthropogenic (human created) factors, CMRP works through key partnership programs to address the complex management issues identified in the Coastal Zone Management Act, National Marine Sanctuaries Act, Marine Protected Areas Executive Order, and other authorities.

CMRP coordinates throughout NOAA to attain its outcomes. It works especially closely with the network of programs within NOAA's EGT, and with other NOAA goals, other federal agencies, and regional efforts. This coordination allows CMRP to integrate with those that conduct ecosystem research; protect habitats and living marine resources; ensure safe and efficient commerce and transportation; serve society's needs for weather and water information; and improve society's ability to plan and respond to climate variability and change. To achieve its outcomes, CMRP provides decision-makers (e.g., coastal managers, industry) with sound science, education, training, tools, technologies, and other products and services so they can make informed decisions about the balanced use and protection of coastal and marine ecosystems. It supports management actions that improve the long-term resilience of communities and ecosystems, addressing stresses that are both immediate and dramatic (e.g., hurricanes, flooding, and other natural events), as well as cumulative impacts from gradual stressors like climate change, pollution, and other ecosystem changes. CMRP also provides regulatory oversight of certain coastal and marine uses and areas and coordinates with Federal and state agencies on national policy issues. Additionally, CMRP supports efforts by state and local governments and other organizations to manage and protect coastal and estuarine areas through grants and cooperative agreements, and funding competitive research and development projects that address management needs.

Ecosystem Approaches to Management

The seven characteristics NOAA has identified for Ecosystem Approaches to Management (EAM) are evident throughout CMRP's execution. Through CMRP, NOAA collaborates with partners to manage multiple uses of coasts and oceans at a range of geographic scales to ensure the long-term health and economic benefits of coastal and marine ecosystems. These activities include facilitating effective decision-making by delivering management and scientific information, tools, technology, and training to resource managers. They also include increasing knowledge about coastal and marine ecosystems so that the public and decision-makers can act as informed stewards.

Ecosystem Programs

Aquaculture Coastal Marine Resources Enforcement
Fisheries Management Protected Species Ecosystem Observations
Coral Reef Conservation Habitat Ecosystem Research


Program Manager:
Tim Goodspeed

Program Coordinator: