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Breast Health or Early Detection
Breast Cancer
Breast Pain
Breast Pain Evaluation
What Can You Do For Breast Pain?
Benign Breast Disease
Fibrocystic Breast
Breast Cysts
Breast Feeding


What can you do for breast pain?

Eliminating any underlying cause is the first step.  From there, recommended treatments can be very helpful.  These include:

          Hot or cold compresses

          Wearing a supportive bra that has been professionally fitted.

Wearing a sports bra during exercise, but also wearing it to sleep, especially during times when your breasts are especially painful.

Trying relaxation therapy.  Severe breast pain may be associated with high levels of anxiety and may improve with relaxation therapy.

Decreasing fat in your diet.  Studies show that decreasing the fat in your diet to less than 20 percent of total daily calories can improve breast pain.

Try Evening Primrose Oil.  It can be found in your local drugstore or nutrition store.  If taken orally it can offer some relief.

Vitamin E.  There is no study to support vitamin E, but some women believe it does improve breast pain.

          Chasteberry has been used in Germany for cyclic breast pain with some success.

There is emerging evidence that high dose iodine may be helpful for severe breast pain.  It is unclear, but we will begin to know more about this therapy as time goes on.

For women with severe cyclic breast pain, effective medications are available, including danazol and tamoxifen.  These therapies are associated with potentially serious side effects and should be reserved only for women with severe breast pain.