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The Operations Network (OPSNET) is the official source of NAS air traffic operations and delay data. The data collected through OPSNET is used to analyze the performance of the FAA's air traffic control facilities.

The data sent daily to OPSNET can be viewed on the the FAA Operations & Performance Data Web site.

To access OPSNET data, users require a login. Without a login, users can access the official count released to the public from Air Traffic Activity System (ATADS), which provides data after the 20th of the month for the previous month.

OPSNET records the following information and data:

  • Airport Operations: Reports IFR itinerant and VFR itinerant operations (arrivals and departures), and local operations at the airport as reported by Air Traffic Control Towers (ATCTs). It does not include overflights.
  • Tower Operations: Reports IFR and VFR itinerant operations (arrivals and departures), IFR and VFR overflights, and local operations worked by the tower.
  • TRACON Operations: Reports IFR and VFR itinerant operations and overflights worked by the TRACON.
  • Total Terminal Operations: Reports total operations worked by any facility based on the functions at the facility. If a facility has a tower and a TRACON present, the Total Terminal operations would be a sum of the Tower Operations and the TRACON Operations for that facility.
  • Center Aircraft Handled: Reports domestic and oceanic departures and overflights and total aircraft handled by ARTCCs and CERAPs.
  • Facility Information: Provides information about each air traffic control facility, such as facility name and type, region, state, hours of operation, etc.
  • Delays: Provides information about the reportable delays provided daily through FAA's Air Traffic Operations Network (OPSNET).

For a list of facility classifications reported by OPSNET, please see Facility Classifications.


The data sent daily to OPSNET can be viewed on the FAA Operations & Performance Data Web site: aspm.faa.gov. There are two applicable sections for terminal facilities: Air Traffic Activity System (ATADS) and Operations Network (OPSNET).

Air Traffic Activity System (ATADS)

Air Traffic Activity System (ATADS) is the official count that has been released to the public and is available without a login. ATADS data are available after the 20th of the month for the previous month.

Operations Network (OPSNET)

The Operations Network (OPSNET) uses the same interface as ATADS and includes data reported from the previous day’s activity. OPSNET requires a user ID and password.

Obtaining User ID and Password

You may request a user ID and password by clicking on the You may request a login from FAA by following this link on the OPSNET page. Complete the 'Data Access Request Form'. In the 'Comments' section, indicate that you are a facility official and need access to previous days' data. This will ensure you are given full access.

Obtaining Data Reports

Using either the ATADS or OPSNET link (interface is the same), you may select the option for the needed data. For example, to request reports for Tower Operations, select 'Tower Operations' from the main screen.

The main screen is divided into seven sections that allow the user to build a report.

My Reports

My Reports displays a list of OPSNET reports you saved after running your query. You may save a report after you enter your search criteria and select the 'Run' button. Then you may name your report and save it for future use.

Reports can be created in all OPSNET system views. Saved reports are not available when creating reports in ATADS.

Selecting the information button will display a window listing the selection criteria used for the report. Selecting the deletion button will delete the report.

Saved Reports

This section lists reports that you have saved after clicking the 'Run' button. By clicking on the report name, you will be able to modify or update the saved report with new criteria. Just click on any of the desired tabs to change output, dates, facilities, filters, and grouping options. To view the criteria of a saved report, click on the information button on the left of the report name. For more information about saving reports, see the Run section.

Other Reports

From the Main Page of the OPSNET interface, several customized reports for internal FAA customers are available. These are the available reports:


The Output page contains three sections. The Display section allows you to choose the basic report structure; the Options section allows you to limit the types of Operations displayed; and the Format section allows you to choose the output format.


In this section, you may select several options for displaying the data. The following options are available in Airport Operations, Tower Operations, TRACON Operations, and Center Aircraft Handled.

In Total Terminal Operations, you may select the following display options:

In Facility Information, you may select the following display options:

Delays Reports

In the Delays view, these are the available report options:

Data Download

Data obtained for Airport Operations.
Data obtained for Airport Operations.
The Data Download feature appears in the Output section of each OPSNET module. By selecting this option, the user will receive an email containing a link to an Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet will display OPSNET data for the selected airport(s) and date(s).

Here are the data dictionaries for each of the download systems:


You may select supplemental options for your reports in all views with the exception of Total Terminal Operations and Facility Information. These are the available options:

Option Description Views
Show Itinerant Shows operations by air carrier, air taxi, general aviation, and military aviation arriving from outside the Traffic Pattern or departing the airport Traffic Pattern. Airport Ops
Show Local Shows civil and military operations within the airport's Traffic Pattern airspace. Airport Ops, Tower Ops
Show IFR Shows operations conducted under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). Airport Ops
Show VFR Shows operations conducted under Visual Flight Rules (VFR). Airport Ops, Center Acft Handled
Show IFR Itinerant Shows operations conducted under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) arriving from outside the Traffic Pattern or departing the airport Traffic Pattern. Tower Ops, TRACON Ops
Show VFR Itinerant Shows operations conducted under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) arriving from outside the Traffic Pattern or departing the airport Traffic Pattern. Tower Ops, TRACON Ops
Show IFR Overflight Shows terminal IFR flights originating outside the TRACON’s/RAPCON’s/Radar ATCT’s area and passing through the area without landing. Tower Ops, TRACON Ops
Show VFR Overflight Shows terminal VFR flights originating outside the TRACON’s/RAPCON’s/Radar ATCT’s area and passing through the area without landing. Tower Ops, TRACON Ops
Show Aircraft Handled Shows the number of ARTCC enroute IFR departures multiplied by two, plus the number of enroute IFR overflights. Center Acft Handled
Show VFR Advisories Shows the number of VFR aircraft provided with VFR advisories. Center Acft Handled
Show Domestic Shows enroute IFR departures and overflights occurring over land. Center Acft Handled
Show Oceanic Shows enroute IFR departures and overflights occurring over the ocean. Center Acft Handled


In this section, you may choose between several options for the output of the data:

  • HTML: The requested data are presented in a Web browser format.
  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • No Sub-Totals: Eliminates sub-totals in long reports.


In the example above, all days for the month of September 2008 which are available were selected using the “Add All” link at the bottom of the calendar.  The individual days can be removed by “clicking” the red “x” beside the date.
In the example above, all days for the month of September 2008 which are available were selected using the “Add All” link at the bottom of the calendar. The individual days can be removed by “clicking” the red “x” beside the date.

For your OPSNET report, you may select specific time periods to query.

The following options are available:

  • Days: Allows user to input individual dates through navigation of the calendar.
  • Months: Allows the selection of month and year range (from... to).
  • Years: Allows the selection of a specific year range (from... to) and between calendar or fiscal years.
  • Date Range: Allows user to input individual dates without the use of the navigation calendar.
  • Period: Allows selection by predefined periods:
    • Yesterday
    • Current Month by Day
    • Last Month by Day
    • Calendar Year by Month
    • Fiscal Year by Month
    • Last 12 Months
    • Last Sunday
    • Last Monday
    • Last Tuesday
    • Last Wednesday
    • Last Thursday
    • Last Friday
    • Last Saturday

If you selected the Comparison Report in the Output tab, the Dates screen will also prompt you to choose a comparison period.

Please verify that your selection is for a time period in which data are available. Selected options will appear on the right.


In this section, you may select facilities by:

  • Center: ARTCC or CERAP Center (only available in the Center Aircraft Handled view).
  • Airport: Allows use of the facility ID (not available in the Center Aircraft Handled view).
  • State: Allows selection by state.
  • Region: Allows selection by region.
  • Service area: Allows selection by service area.
  • Class: Allows selection by facility classification, i.e., Tower with Radar, TRACON, etc.

Note that single facilities cannot be selected when running the following reports: Ground Stop / EDCT Delays Report, National Delay Synopsis Report, Delays Per Activity Report.

When the default 'Quick Entry Mode' checkbox is selected, enter the facility ID to search for matching facilities. By deselecting the 'Quick Entry Mode' option, you will be able to query the database for a facility by typing the facility ID into the 'Find a Facility' box. Potential matches will be displayed.

You may also select predefined groups such as ASPM 77, OPSNET 45, or OEP 35 by selecting the appropriate link. In the TRACON Operations view, you may instead select the predefined group 34 Select. To include all facilities in your report, do not select any.


In the example above, no filters were applied.
In the example above, no filters were applied.

In Airport Operations, Tower Operations, TRACON Operations and Delays, you may select supplemental filters for your reports. For example, users who selected 'ETSA' may restrict their search to FAA Facilities by selecting the appropriate option. These are the available options:

  • No Filters: Default.
  • FAA Only: Will display only FAA staffed facilities.
  • Contract Towers Only: Will display only FAA contract staffed facilities.
  • ARTCC Only: Will display data by ARTCC only (only available in Delays)

In Facility Information, you may select the following filter options:

  • Type
    • Radar Tower
    • Limited Radar Tower
    • Nonradar Tower
    • VFR Tower
    • Non-FAA Facility
    • Federal Contract Tower
    • Air Route Traffic Control Center
    • FAA Facilities Only
  • Class
    • Tower without Radar
    • Combined TRACON and Tower with Radar
    • Combination Non-Radar Approach Central and Tower without Radar
    • Towers with Display (VFR)
    • Combined Control Facility
    • Towers with Radar
    • Air Route Traffic Control Center
    • Combined TRACON
    • Federal Contract Tower
    • Non-FAA Facility
  • Old Level (0-5)
  • New Level (0-12)

'Old Level' and 'New Level' refer to facility pay levels.

For a list of definitions of facility types, please see OPSNET: Facility Types. For a list of definitions of facility classifications, please see OPSNET: Facility Classification.

By clicking the 'Not' checkbox, you can exclude one Facility Type from your report. Selected options will appear on the right.


In this section, you may group the data in the desired format. At least one selection has to be made. Click the green area beside the filter in the desired order. If the report is restricted to only one facility, then 'Date' is the only necessary grouping field.

Available grouping fields are:

  • Date
  • Airport (only available in Airport Operations)
  • Facility (not available in Airport Operations)
  • State
  • Region
  • Service Area
  • Class
  • Local Hour
  • Quarter Hour

Select the 'Plus' button to choose the groupings for the report. Selected fields will appear on the right. Selected fields can be removed by selecting the 'Minus' button next to each selected field.


Selecting the Run option will run the query and create a report. In the OPSNET system (not ATADS), you may save the search criteria you used to create the report by entering a name for the report and clicking the 'Save' button. From then on, the report name will appear in the 'My Reports' section.

Definitions of Variables

For more information about these topics, please see the Definitions of Variables for the Operations Network (OPSNET) system.

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