Carbon Storage Technology
Program Overview
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NETL Carbon Storage Program

Fossil fuels are considered the most dependable, cost-effective energy source currently available. However, a balance must be maintained between the importance of energy security and the impact of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere, particularly CO2.

NETL's Carbon Storage Program is developing a technology portfolio of safe, cost-effective commercial-scale CO2 capture, storage, and mitigation technologies that will be available for commercial deployment beginning in 2020. NETL's primary carbon storage research and development (R&D) objectives are

  1. Lowering the cost and energy penalty associated with CO2 capture from large stationary sources.
  2. Improving the understanding of factors affecting CO2 storage permanence, capacity, and safety in geologic formations and terrestrial ecosystems.

Once these objectives are met, existing power plants and fuel processing facilities around the world could be retrofitted with CO2 capture technologies, while new plants and facilities can be built implementing the technologies.

NETL's Carbon Storage Program received $70 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). These investments fund

  1. Geologic storage site characterization projects ($50M).
  2. Training opportunities through R&D at universities and establishment of regional training centers for creating a qualified carbon storage workforce in the United States ($20M).

These efforts compliment the existing goals for the program. Sixty projects were awarded with the Recovery Act funds, and details about these projects can be found on the Storage Program's web pages within the Core R&D and Infrastructure components of the program.

The Carbon Storage Program Overview web page provides detailed information about the program's structure, as well as links to the web pages that summarize the program's key elements. 

Carbon Sequestration Collage

NETL's Carbon Storage Program helps develop technologies to capture, separate, and store CO2 to reduce GHG emissions without adversely influencing energy use or hindering economic growth. These carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies encompass the entire life-cycle process for controlling CO2 emissions from large-scale stationary sources, such as coal-based power plants. Cost-effectively capturing CO2 before it is emitted to the atmosphere and then permanently storing it allows continued use of coal without restricting economic growth, and while still reducing CO2 emissions. CCUS includes four primary steps: capture, compression, transport, and storage. Integrated, cost-effective, and efficient CCUS technologies must be developed and demonstrated at full-scale prior to their availability for widespread commercial deployment.

To accomplish widespread deployment, four carbon storage program goals have been established:

  1. Develop technologies that can separate, capture, and transport 90% of CO2 generated for utilization or geologic storage using either direct or indirect systems that result in a less than 10 percent increase in cost of energy by 2015. 
  2. Develop technologies that will support industries' ability to predict CO2 storage capacity in geologic formations to within ±30 percent by 2015.
  3. Develop technologies to demonstrate that 99 percent of injected CO2 remains in the injection zones by 2015.
  4. Complete a series of Best Practices Manuals (BPMs) that serve as the basis for the design and implementation of commercial CCUS projects by 2020.
  CO2 injection testing in the Blan No. 1 well, Hancock County, Kentucky (Courtesy of MGSC)
  Two injection testing in the Blan No. 1 well, Hancock County, Kentucky 
(Courtesy of MGSC)

The separation and capture of CO2 from power plant flue gas and other CO2 stationary sources is costly and energy intensive, accounting for the majority of the cost of safe, long-term storage. However, analysis shows the potential for cost reductions of 30-45 percent for CO2 capture. Pre-combustion technologies, in particular, under development are expected to be capable of capturing more than 90 percent of flue gas CO2.

Geologic CO2 storage involves transporting the CO2 that has been captured from power plants, industrial sources, and other stationary sources and safely storing it in deep, underground geologic formations. The 11 classes of geologic formations may contain oil and natural gas, coal seams, or saline waters. Future storage options under investigation include basalt formations and shale basins. Terrestrial carbon storage, which involves CO2 uptake by soils and plants both on land and in aquatic environments like wetlands and tidal marshes, provides an opportunity for low-cost atmospheric CO2 reductions and potentially offers additional benefits such as habitat and/or water quality improvements.

NETL's Carbon Storage Program involves three key elements for technology development: core R&D, infrastructure, and global collaborations. The integration of these elements will address technological and marketplace challenges.

CCUS and other clean coal technologies being developed at NETL can play a critical role in mitigating CO2 emissions while supporting energy security in the United States. DOE's Carbon Storage Program has positioned the United States on a path toward developing technologies for broad CCUS deployment within a decade. Continued U.S. leadership in technology development and future deployment is important to maintaining the economy and cultivating new domestic and international business opportunities. For more information, please see NETL's CCUS frequently asked questions (FAQs), or contact the Carbon Storage Team with comments, suggestions, or questions.

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