FDCCI Public Plan Links

October 7th, 2011


Between 1998 and 2010, the Federal government quadrupled the number of data centers we operate. Moreover, on average these centers have been using only 27 percent of their computer power despite the additional costs for infrastructure, real estate and energy.

The Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative (FDCCI), is an initiative to shutdown data centers the government does not need and consolidate and optimize the remaining ones. The FDCCI seeks to curb this unsustainable increase in the number of data centers by reducing the cost of data center hardware, software, and operations; shifting IT investments to more efficient computing platforms; promoting the use of Green IT by reducing the overall energy and real estate footprint of government data centers; and increasing the IT security posture of the government.

In 2011, the 24 CIO Council member agencies were required to update their Data Center Consolidation Plans. Participating agencies and all their subordinate organizations were tasked to present a full master plan schedule with the agency’s consolidation approach, rationale and timeline. These plans also include the governance framework and communication strategy used to manage their consolidation effort as well as the challenges experienced to date and lessons learned. Links to their plans are provided below.

Please report any broken links to fdcci@gsa.gov.