Navy Women’s Rugby

love the legacy

2/18/2013 2:14:42 PM


Navy Women’s Rugby would like to invite you to our first match of the Spring Season against the University of Maryland on Saturday, February 23, 2013, at HOME.












The game will be held at the Brigade Sports Complex on our new grass pitch. The first match will kick-off at 1100.


We look forward to seeing you all there, and remember to LOVE THE LEGACY!

Welcome to Navy Women’s Rugby
About Us

In order to lead you must first follow.

The club has a short but lively history, and has been challenging teams up and down the East Coast and beyond for over 16 years, making it one of the supporting pillars of Mason Dixon rugby. Opportunities are abundant for novices to pick up the game and learn with the incoming classes. Fielding players from all parts of the U.S., and all walks of life, NWR is a diverse club, where character is tested and revealed on a regular basis, and lifelong friendships are made.

> Committed alumni and fans.

> Realize potential on and off the field.

> Building a legacy.

Formed in 1995, Navy Women’s Rugby has forged a very proud tradition of teams known for their athleticism, fortitude, and strength. The program develops teams that approach every event as another opportunity to build the legacy. Ever present is the traditional rivalries, passion, and regional pride that is expected from our conference. Navy Women’s Rugby currently plays in the Mason Dixon Conference and the National Rugby Championships in the fall and spring seasons. Meanwhile, the team enjoys “friendly” games with teams in both upper and lower leagues throughout the rest of the year.
