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Publication State Court Prosecutors in Small Districts, 2001

Carol J. DeFrances, Ph.D.

January 1, 2003    NCJ 196020

Presents results from the 2001 National Survey of Prosecutors (NSP), which collected data on all chief prosecutors that handled felony cases in State courts of general jurisdiction. The report covers prosecutor's offices that served a district with less than 250,000 population. It summarizes the budgets for prosecutors' offices and profiles their staffs of attorneys, investigators, victim advocates, and support personnel. The report also presents data on threats against staff and prosecution of computer-related crime. The other survey areas include the number of felony cases closed, the use of DNA evidence, and the number of juvenile cases proceeded against in criminal court.


  • In 2001 across the Nation an estimated 9 in 10 prosecutors' offices served a district with a population of less than 250,000.
  • Nine out of ten full-time prosecutors' offices serving districts with a population under 250,000 handled domestic violence and child abuse cases.
  • About 15,500 juvenile cases were proceeded against in criminal court by full-time offices serving districts with a population under 250,000.

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National Census of State Court Prosecutors

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