BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

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Publication Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics, 2001

November 1, 2003    NCJ 201627

Presents national-level statistics describing characteristics of persons processed and the distribution of case processing outcomes at each major stage of the Federal criminal justice system. Includes investigations by U.S. attorneys, prosecutions and declinations, pretrial release and detention, convictions and acquittals, sentencing, appeals, and correctional populations. Interactive tabulations of Federal criminal case processing data are available from the Federal Justice Statistics Resource Center.


  • During 2001, 118,890 suspects were arrested by Federal law enforcement agencies for violations of Federal law.
  • During 2001 U.S. attorneys initiated criminal investigations involving 121,818 suspects and they concluded their investigations of 118,978 suspects.
  • Of 75,275 pretrial cases commenced in 2001, 39% were released after either an initial or detention hearing, while 61% were detained, and less than 1% were dismissed.

Part of the Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics Series

Full Report (PDF 1.3M)
Full Report (ASCII file 193K)
Full Report - Zip format (Spreadsheet 207K)
Chapter 1: Arrests for Federal offenses (PDF 740K)
Chapter 1: Arrests for Federal offenses - Zip format (Spreadsheet 50K)
Chapter 2: Prosecution (PDF 768K)
Chapter 2: Prosecution - Zip format (Spreadsheet 24K)
Chapter 3: Pretrial release (PDF 824K)
Chapter 3: Pretrial release - Zip format (Spreadsheet 43K)
Chapter 4: Adjudication (PDF 753K)
Chapter 4: Adjudication - Zip format (Spreadsheet 35K)
Chapter 5: Sentencing (PDF 760K)
Chapter 5: Sentencing - Zip format (Spreadsheet 26K)
Chapter 6: Appeals (PDF 744K)
Chapter 6: Appeals - Zip format (Spreadsheet 21K)
Chapter 7: Corrections (PDF 852K)
Chapter 7: Corrections - Zip format (Spreadsheet 65K)
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Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP)

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