Health and Aging

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Menopausal Hormone Therapy

  • Hormones and Menopause
    Waking up flushed and sweaty several times a night left Cathy feeling tired all day. But when she began to feel hot on and off during the day as well, she went to see Dr. Kent. He told Cathy she was having hot flashes—a sign that she was starting the menopause transition. Dr. Kent talked about several ways to control her hot flashes. One was to use the hormone estrogen for a short time. He talked about the benefits and risks of this choice. Cathy said she remembered hearing something on a TV talk show about using hormones around menopause. Were they helpful? Were they safe?
  • Menopause
    One cool fall day, Ellen and Sue were watching their teenagers play soccer when all of a sudden Ellen flushed and seemed to be sweating. Sue asked if Ellen was okay. "Oh, it's a hot flash," Ellen said. "This is happening to me several times a week now—even at night. At first, I didn't know what was going on, but my doctor told me these are symptoms of menopause." Sue laughed and said, "Yes, I remember hot flashes, but they're over now."
  • Menopause: Time for a Change
    What can a woman expect before, during, and after her last period? This 37-page booklet discusses menopause, hot flashes, and other menopausal symptoms. It also includes what women can do to stay healthy after menopause.