Empire Airlines flight 8284, operating a FedEx-owned ATR-42 (N902FX)
Lubbock, Texas, January 27, 2009

Public Hearing
September 22-23, 2009


Flight Path
Crash During Approach to Landing
Empire Airlines doing business as FedEx
Lubbock, Texas
January 27, 2009
Public Hearing

This animation is available in Flash format. An alternate Windows Media Player version is also available (9.3 mb).

This three-dimensional (3-D) animated reconstruction shows the January 27, 2009, accident involving an ATR-42-320 N902FX, operated by Empire Airlines, which crashed short of Runway 17R, Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport, Lubbock, Texas, while executing an instrument landing system approach.

The animation shows excerpts from the flight data recorder (FDR), the cockpit voice recorder (CVR) transcript, recorded radar data, and aircraft performance data. It does not depict the weather or visibility conditions at the time of the accident. The animation does not include audio.

The animation begins at 04:33:59 central standard time. The FDR data stops at 04:36:26 when the airplane first strikes the ground. The animation fades into a photograph of the ground scars and then to a photograph of the accident airplane as the CVR transcript continues until the last comment at 04:36:52.

The upper portion of the animation shows a 3-D model of the airplane and the airplane’s motions during the accident sequence. In this area, selected content from the CVR transcript or other annotations are superimposed as text at the time that the event occurred. All times (in central standard time) are shown on the right side of the screen.

The lower portion of the animation depicts instruments and indicators, which display selected FDR or calculated parameters. The instruments and indications are shown in three sections, which are (from left to right):

CVR Transcript:

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