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Featured Success Stories

  • Jose M. Flores


     Jose M. Flores

    Hometown: Caguas, PR

    NASA Center: Johnson Space Center

    University: University Of Puerto Rico @ Mayaguez

    Degree(s): B.S. Mechanical Engineering

    Student Program Participation: Undergraduate Student Research Program (USRP)

    Where do you work now? (Please, NO org codes)
    JSC-DD53 MOD/MOFD/Systems Engineering Branch

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  • Alex Kanelakos


     Alex Kanelakos

    Hometown: Topeka, KS

    NASA Center: Johnson Space Center

    University: Wichita State University

    Degree(s): B.S. in Aerospace Engineering

    Student Program Participation: Reduced Gravity Education Flight Program (RG)

    Where do you work now? (Please, NO org codes)
    DX3: EVA Operations

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  • Ben Birkenstock


     Ben Birkenstock

    Hometown: Hartland, WI

    NASA Center: Marshall Space Flight Center

    University: University of Wisconsin @ Madison

    Degree(s): B.S. Engineering Mechanics & Astronautics

    Student Program Participation: Reduced Gravity Education Flight Program (RG)

    Where do you work now? (Please, NO org codes)
    NASA civil servant, MSFC

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  • Jose M. Flores


     Jose M. Flores

    Hometown: Caguas, PR

    NASA Center: Johnson Space Center

    University: University Of Puerto Rico @ Mayaguez

    Degree(s): B.S. Mechanical Engineering

    Student Program Participation: Undergraduate Student Research Program (USRP)

    Where do you work now? (Please, NO org codes)
    JSC-DD53 MOD/MOFD/Systems Engineering Branch

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About Pipeline Success Stories

NASA's workforce is made up of a very diverse group of people. From the technicians to the engineers, everyone has a unique story to tell about how they got to where they are now.

The JSC Pipeline Success Website is a way to share NASA success stories with students and the public. We want to recognize those who have started in education programs at Johnson Space Center and are now working for NASA full-time as a civil servant or contractor.

This site is a chance to meet people who started out as students in programs offered at Johnson Space Center. We hope this will give you some insight into the variety of personal background, academic achievement, work experience, and extracurricular activities of program participants.

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