Sustainable Fisheries Division

Black-footed albatross

Seabird release

Longline fishermen may side-set or set from the stern. They must also employ a suite of mitigation measures including:

  • Weighted branchlines
  • Blue-dyed baits
  • Strategic offal discards
  • Mandatory night-setting
  • Specific baits for swordfish-targeted operation

Seabird Interactions in Hawaii-based Longline Fisheries

Hawaii-based pelagic longline fishermen must comply with NOAA Fisheries Services seabird mitigation measures (50 CFR 665.815).

These measures have reduced incidental interactions with seabirds, primarily North Pacific albatrosses, by over 90 percent. In 2000, it was estimated that the fisheries had 2,433 incidental interactions with albatrosses. Since the seabird mitigation measures became effective in 2002, albatross interactions have been about 10 times fewer per year, compared to year 2000 estimates.

The following documents address the incidental take of seabirds in the Hawaii longline fisheries.

To learn more about seabird identification, handling, and release guidelines, visit the protected species workshop resource page.

For more information on seabird bycatch reduction efforts, visit the NMFS Alaska Region's seabird page.