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  1. Business Cards
    Rate: $31.00

    Business Cards

    Anyone can order this service and may preview card styles. Business cards follow a standard format set by each agency. Requests for business cards that do not follow the standard format may be placed by contacting the branch.

NIH, SAMHSA and OIG Customers:

NIH, SAMHSA and OIG Badge cards are not available using this system. Please contact PSC publishing directly at PSCpublishing@psc.hhs.gov if you require either of these card styles.

Offered to:

All federal agencies


Orders will be delivered via UPS or FEDEX, 7 days after placement of order.


$31.00 per/500 cards

*Rates provided through Publication Management Branch are estimates only. Shipping charges or other value added service charges may apply.


301-443-6740; PSCpublishing@psc.hhs.gov


Configuration Details

Card Style

Contact Information


If your text runs off the card, the printer will make the necessary adjustments and a new proof will be sent. This may delay the delivery of your cards. For questions, contact Publishing Services at 301-443-6740.
Enter Contact Information for Card Style:

Be sure to identify which numbers are your phone, fax, and/or cell (i.e. Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx, Fax: xxx-xxx-xxxx)

If you have only two phone numbers, please skip "Phone 1" and start entering your numbers in "Phone 2." Blank lines will appear on the printed card.
If you have only one phone number, please skip Phone 1 and enter your number in Phone 2. Blank lines will appear on the printed card.


Mailing Address


Enter Mailing Address for Card Style:

Format: 99999-9999


Preview & Confirm

This is your online proof, which represents an approximate layout of your business cards. Please review it carefully.

If changes need to be made, you can return to a previous section by clicking on "Contact Information" or "Mailing Information" above. You can modify the previously entered information or add any information omitted. Press the "Save and Continue" button to move forward until you return to the proof. If you do not press "Save and Continue," the changes will not be reflected in the online proof.

Your order will be printed as your business card appears on the proof.

Click "Find Approving Official" to route your request for approval.


Rate: $31.00