Habitat Conservation

Habitat Restoration


The NOAA Restoration Center is the focal point for marine and estuarine habitat restoration within NOAA. Housed within the NOAA Fisheries Service Office of Habitat Conservation, the Restoration Center performs restoration pursuant to federal legislation and improves the state of restoration ecology and habitat management.

The Restoration Center's mission is to expand local habitat restoration techniques into broad-scale, ecosystem-based approaches in all coastal, estuarine, and anadromous fish habitats within the United States and its territories. To provide solutions to restoration challenges in all of these habitats, the Restoration Center implements several major programs:

Community-based Restoration Program (CRP): CRP is a grants program which applies a grass-roots approach to restoration and is designed to actively engage communities in on-the-ground restoration of local habitats.

Damage Assessment, Remediation and Restoration Program (DARRP): Under DARRP, restoration scientists and managers ensure that injured marine resources are restored after oil spills, toxic releases, or ship groundings.

Restoration Research Program: The Restoration Center advances emerging restoration technology, science, and cost-effective practices through its Restoration Research Program.

To learn more, please visit NOAA's Habitat Restoration Center.