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AMC vice commander: Saving fuel secures the future -- one gallon at a time

AMC's Mission Index Flying initiative makes Air Force more efficient

Mobility Airmen around globe team up with cargo loading efficiency

Air mobility maintainers help Air Force cut down fuel costs

Precision loading could play key role in efficiency for redeploying forces from Afghanistan

JB MDL contributes to Air Force 'green' initiatives

AMC chief scientist: Air Force alternative fuels process paves way to future

Laptops giving aircraft maintainers advantage

Electronic flight bags could boost operational safety, effectiveness

New fuel tanks at Travis offer larger, safer storage

Maintainers, aerial porters, aircrews shoulder the success of fuel conservation efforts

New airlift routes provide new possibilities

AMC meets, exceeds Air Force ground energy goals

AMC Chief Scientist: Alternative fuels can be the 'cleaner jet fuel'

Travis saving energy, resources through 'a cleaned up act'

AMC saves energy in the office, on the road

Commander: AMC continues to 'power the force - fuel the fight' for energy efficiency

12-year heat plant decentralization program reaches completion
KC-135, C-5 engine water-wash test could reveal fuel savings

Going green: Fairchild uses bioreactor for environmental restoration project

Reserve pilot spearheads Air Force's efforts to go green

Team Fairchild goes green in a 'Concrete' type of way

Cleaner KC-10 engines expected to burn less fuel

Air Force works to improve energy efficiency

Army, Air Force conduct first energy forum

tabEnergy Conservation Tips 
Here are some ways you can help save energy:

: Study your family's or office's lighting needs and use patterns, paying special attention to high-use areas. Look for ways to use lighting controls -- like occupancy sensors, dimmers, or timers - -to reduce lighting energy use, and replace standard (also called incandescent) light bulbs and fixtures with compact fluorescent lamps (CFL's) or LED lighting.

In cold weather: Close your curtains and shades at night, and open them during the day to allow the sun to help heat your home or office. Installing storm windows can also reduce your heat loss by by up to 50 percent.

Increase lighting efficiency: It's is one of the fastest ways to decrease electricity usage. Turn off the lights in any room you're not using, or consider installing timers, photo cells, or occupancy sensors to reduce the amount of time your lights are on.

Improve gas mileage: Whether you drive an economy car or an SUV, there are plenty of ways to improve your gas mileage. Avoid aggressive driving and observe the speed limit. Speeding, fast acceleration, and hard braking all waste gas. Keep your tires properly inflated and use energy saving oil of the correct viscosity for your vehicle.

Stay cool while saving energy: If you use air-conditioning, set your thermostat as high as comfortably possible in the summer. The less difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your overall cooling bill will be. Don't set your thermostat at a colder setting than normal when you turn it on. It will not cool your home or office any faster and could result in excessive cooling and unnecessary expense.

These and other tips are available at the Department of Energy's Web site,

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