Trends on Tuesdays: Teens & Texting

Teens are notorious for texting. Here is some data to help back up those claims, from our friends at the Pew Internet and American Life project.

More striking is the two-thirds of teens (64%) who tote their phones to school who say they have ever sent or received a text message during class. Nearly one-third (31%) of teens who take their phones to school text in class several times a day and another 12% of those teens say they text in class at least once a day. Fewer teens report that they place calls during class, though 4% manage to make calls from class several times a day and another 4% do so at least once a day. Fully 75% of teens who bring their phones to school say they never make calls during class time.

According to Pew data, three-quarters of teens NEVER make or recieve a call in school–contrasted with two-thirds who will text at least occasionally.  More from Pew on teens and texting here.

Begs the question, how much longer will we call these mobile devices cell phones?

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Oct 18th, 2011 | Posted in Research, Trends
  1. Oct 31st, 2011 at 04:35 | #1

    There must be way just to stop the phone from sending text maybe the network provider could put a block on during certain hours

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  2. Oct 26th, 2011 at 12:25 | #2

    Teens do text a lot but I think that cell phones and mobile devices are just as addictive for adults as well, how often do you see adults with their phones on the table or checking them every couple of minutes when they’re out of the office.

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  3. Oct 21st, 2011 at 13:09 | #3

    Great information! The only real solution to this problem is to ban all cell phone use in schools…

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