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South Carolina Water Science Center Publications
1996-2001 Publications

The South Carolina Water Science Center publishes water-information reports on many topics and in many formats. From this Web page, you can locate, view, download, or order scientific and technical articles and reports as well as general interest publications such as booklets, fact sheets, pamphlets, and posters resulting from the research performed by our scientists and partners.

2000-2001 Publications
Water Resources Investigations Report 01-4163
Evaluation of passive diffusion bag samplers in selected wells at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Louisville, Kentucky, July 1999 to January 2000
Vroblesky, D.A., Petkewich, M.D., and Casey, C.C.
Open-File Report 01-352
Ecological data collected in the Santee River Basin and coastal drainages, North and South Carolina, 1996-1998
Abrahamsen, T. A.
Open-File Report 01-121
Surface Water Quality-Assurance Plan for the South Carolina District of the U.S. Geological Survey
T.W. Cooney
Open-File Report 00-378
Assessment of sedimentation in Crowders Creek, York County, South Carolina
Douglas D. Nagle
Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4076
Spatial and seasonal variability of nutrients, pesticides, bacteria, and suspended sediment in the Santee River Basin and coastal drainages, North and South Carolina, 1995-97
Maluk, T.L.,
Water Resources Investigations Report 00-4246
Field testing of passive diffusion bag samplers for volative organic compound concentrations in ground water Naval Industrial Reserve Ordnance Plant, Fridley, Minnesota, November 1999 and May 2000
Vroblesky, D.A. and Petkewich, M.D.
Water Resources Investigations Report 00-4182
Diffusion sampler testing at Naval Air Station North Island, San Diego County, California, November 1999 to January 2000
Vroblesky, D.A. and Peters, B.C.
Open-File Report 00-307
Investigation of polyethylene passive diffusion samplers for sampling volatile organic compounds in ground water at Davis Global Communications, Sacramento, California, August 1998 to February 1999
Vroblesky, D.A., Borchers, J.W., Campbell, T.R, and Kinsey, W
Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4060, 01-4061
User's guide for polyethylene-based passive diffusion bag samplers to obtain volatile organic compound concentrations in wells.
Vroblesky, Don A.
1998-1999 Publications
Water Resources Investigations Report 99-4179
Trace elements in bed sediments and biota from streams in the Santee River Basin and coastal drainages, North and South Carolina, 1995-97
Abrahamsen, T. A.,
Water Resources Investigations Report 99-4234
Characterization of water quality and simulation of temperature, nutrients, biochemical oxygen demand, and dissolved oxygen in the Wateree River, South Carolina, 1996-98
Feaster, T.D., and Conrads, P.A.
Fact Sheet 130-98
Shallow ground-water quality in the coastal plain of Columbia, South Carolina, 1996
Reuber, E.J.
Fact Sheet 131-98
Pesticides and bacteria in an urban stream--Gills Creek, Columbia, South Carolina
Maluk, T.L.
Water Resources Investigations Report-99-4015
Development of a 14-digit hydrologic unit code numbering system for South Carolina
Bower, D.E., Lowery, C., Lowery, M.A., and Hurley, N.M.
Water Resources Investigations Report 98-4165
Natural attenuation assessment of contaminated ground water at a gas-turbine manufacturing plant, Greenville, South Carolina
Vroblesky, D.A., Petkewich, M.D., Bradley, P.M., and Robertson, J.F., 1998
Water Resources Investigations Report 98-4150
Simulation of temperature, nutrients, biochemical oxygen demand, and dissolved oxygen in the Ashley River near Charleston, South Carolina
Conrads, Paul A.
Fact Sheet 085-98
Fecal-indicator bacteria in surface waters of the Santee River Basin and coastal drainages, North and South Carolina, 1995-98
Wilhelm, L.J., and Maluk, T.L.
Fact Sheet 007-98
Pesticides in surface waters of the Santee River Basin and coastal drainages, North and South Carolina
Maluk, T.L., and Kelley, R.E.
Presentation to The First South Carolina Water and Environment Symposium, Swearingen Engineering Center, University of South Carolina, Columbia, April 6-7, 1999.
Distribution of trace elements in sediments and aquatic biota in streams of the Santee River Basin and coastal drainages, North and South Carolina
Abrahamsen, T. A.,
Presentation to 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, June 6, 1999, Norfolk, Virginia. 1999
Aquatic community ecology, water quality, and the distribution of trace elements and organic compounds in a river reach on the Coosawhatchie Bottomlands ecosystem study site (1996-98)Abrahamsen, T.A.
1996-1997 Publications
Water Resources Investigations Report 97-4217
Ground-water levels in the Upper Three Runs and Gordon Aquifers in the General Separations Area, Savannah River Site, South Carolina, 1996
Harrelson, L.G., Conlon, K.J., and Harris, M.K., 1997
Open File Report 97-115
Selected aquatic ecology, surface-water quality, and ground-water studies in the Santee River Basin and coastal drainages, North and South Carolina, 1996
Abrahamsen, T.A., Hughes, W.B., Reuber, E.J., and Sicherman, T.L., 1997
Water Resources Investigations Report 97-4245
Geology and Hydrogeology of Cretaceous and Tertiary Strata, and Confinement in the Vicinity of the U.S. Department of Energy Savannah River Site, South Carolina and Georgia
Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4172
Nutrients in waters of the Santee River Basin and coastal drainages, North and South Carolina, 1973-93
Maluk, T.L., Reuber, E.J., and Hughes, W.B., 1997
Water Resources Investigations Report 97-4151
Simulation of temperature, nutrients, biochemical oxygen demand, and dissolved oxygen in the Cooper and Wando Rivers near Charleston, South Carolina, 1992-95
Conrads, P.A., and Smith, P.A.
Water Resources Investigations Report 97-4090
Determination of the 100-Year Flood Plain on Pen Branch, Steel Creek, and their selected tributaries, Savannah River Site, South Carolina, 1996
Lanier, T.H.
Water Resources Investigations Report 96-4283
Evaluation of aquifer storage recovery in the Santee Limestone/ Black Mingo Aquifer near Charleston, South Carolina, 1993-95
Campbell, B.G., Conlon, K.J., Mirecki, J.E., and Petkewich, M.D.
Open File Report OFR 96-418
Hydrologic and water- quality data from selected sites in the Charleston Harbor estuary and tributary rivers, South Carolina, Water Years 1992-1995
Conrads, P.A., Cooney, T.W., and Long, K.B.
Water Resources Investigations Report 96-4271
Determination of the 100-Year flood plain on Fourmile Branch at the Savannah River Site, South Carolina, 1996
Lanier, T.H.
Open File Report 96-657A
Selected well data in the vicinity of the Savannah River Site, South Carolina and Georgia
Harrelson, L.G., Falls, W.F., and Clarke, J.S.
Water Resources Investigations Report 97-4003
Transport and transformations of chlorinated-solvent contamination in a saprolite and fractured Rock aquifer near a former Wastewater-Treatment Plant Greenville, South Carolina
Vroblesky, D.A., Bradley P.M., Lane, Jr., J.W., and Robertson, J.F.
Open-File Report 96-488
Water-quality, water-level, and lake-bottom-sediment data collected from the Defense Fuel Supply Point and Adjacent Properties, Hanahan, South Carolina, 1990-96
Petkewich,M.D., Vroblesky, D.A., Robertson, J.F., and Bradley, P.M.
Water-Resources Investigations Report 96-4251
Remediation of petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated ground water in the vicinity of a Jet-Fuel Tank Farm, Hanahan, South Carolina
Vroblesky, D.A., Robertson, J.F., Petkewich, M.D., Chapelle, F.H., Bradley, P.M., and Landmeyer, J.E.
Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation
Diffusion samplers as an inexpensive approach to monitoring VOCs in ground water: Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, Summer 1997, p. 177-184
Vroblesky, D.A., and Hyde, W.T
Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Bozeman, Montana
The effects of bottomland hardwoods on the water quality of an adjacent river
Day, R.H., Kleiss, B.A., Sicherman, T.L., and Hughes, W.B., 1997
Workshop on the Coosawhatchie Bottomland Ecosystem Study, Charleston, South Carolina
Hydrology of the Coosawhatchie Bottomland Ecosystem Study Site, South Carolina
Eisenbies, M.H., and Hughes, W.B., 1997
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control workshop, South Carolina Nonpoint Source: What We've Learned So Far, Columbia, South Carolina
Nutrients in waters of the Santee River Basin and coastal drainages, 1973-93
Maluk, T.L.
Workshop on the Coosawhatchie Bottomland Ecosystem Study, Charleston, South Carolina
Water-quality study of the Coosawhatchie River, South Carolina
Sicherman, T.L., Abrahamsen, T.A., and Day, R.H.
Ground Water, vol., 34, no. 2, March-April, 1996, p. 223-230
Locating VOC contamination in a fractured-rock aquifer at the ground-water/surface-water Interface Using passive vapor collectors
Vroblesky, D.A., Rhodes, L.C., Robertson, J.F., and J.A. Harrigan

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