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Industry News


spacerStrategic Materials Conference 2012
 Gloabl Image Hear IBM, Intel, Applied Materials, Cree, International Recifier, NREL, Micron, Dow Electronics, DuPont, Air Liquide and other leaders discuss the synergies, trends and business opportunities in advanced electronic materials at SMC 2012-- Oct 23-24, San Jose, CA
 450mm Central: Your Industry Resource for News and Information
   Stay informed as you transition to 450mm ready solutions with industry news, product announcements, perspectives on 450mm wafer processing, technology information and more.
 August 2012 Fab Database Published
  Fab equipment spending should reach an all-time record in 2013, More construction projects in 2012, Memory to add less capacity in 2012, but will increase to over 8% in 2013.
 PV Group
  Learn more about the SEMI PV Group efforts to lower photovoltaic manufacturing costs, connect global leaders, establish industry standards, and advance the latest crystalline and thin film technologies and solutions.
 Industry Supplier Guide Provides Comprehensive Listing
  Comprised of approximately 7,000 listings spread over almost 1,000 categories, the directory provides a unique platform on which every semiconductor supplier across the industry spectrum can showcase their products and services, while customers can research multiple vendors all in one location.