

Cost in Support of the Kabul Afghanistan Airport Infrastructure Improvement and Capacity Building Project are Supported and Valid

April 06, 2011
Project ID: 10F3015F000


On April 6, 2011, we issued our report on the audit of the Kabul Afghanistan International Airport (KAIA) Infrastructure and Capacity Building Project.  Under agreement with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Office of International Aviation (API) received $25 million to carry out infrastructure and capacity building improvements at KAIA.  In support of this effort, API entered into a $19.6 million agreement with FAA's Logistics Center (AML) to provide services, including terminal surveillance equipment and appropriate training, airport security equipment and services, control tower refurbishment, and communications equipment.

At the request of AML, we conducted this audit on a reimbursable basis, focusing on the $19.6 million agreement between API and AML.  Our objective was to determine if costs in support of the KAIA infrastructure and capacity building project were supported and valid under the terms and conditions of that agreement.  Overall, we found these costs to be supported and valid, and are therefore making no recommendations.
