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  1. West Wing Week: 02/15/13 or “You’re a Hero”


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    This week, the President delivered the first State of the Union address of his second term, and then brought his proposals to factories in North Carolina and a school in Georgia, presided over a Medal…

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    • The 2013 State of the Union Address


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      340 Plays / / 4 Comments

      President Obama delivers the 2013 State of the Union address to Congress and the nation.

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      • The Best Way to Watch the State of the Union


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        The White House has been hard at work on the 2013 State of the Union address and when President Obama addresses the nation, we'll broadcast an online-only enhanced version of the address with graphics,…

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        • Weekly Address: Averting the Sequester and Finding a Balanced Approach to Deficit Reduction


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          President Obama urges Congress to act to avoid a series of harmful and automatic cuts—called a sequester—from going into effect that would hurt our economy and the middle class and threaten thousands…

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          • West Wing Week: 02/08/13 or: “What’s Up, Camera Man?”


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            This week, the President honored our nation's top scientists and innovators, nominated a new Secretary of the Interior, and worked toward reducing gun violence, enacting immigration reform, and reducing…

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            • Weekly Address: A Balanced Approach to Growing the Economy in 2013


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              In this week’s address, President Obama calls on Congress to work together on a balanced approach to reduce our deficit and promote economic growth and job creation.

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              • President Obama Speaks on Comprehensive Immigration Reform


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                President Obama speaks on the need for comprehensive immigration reform and outlines a proposal for a fair, effective and commonsense immigration system.

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                • Weekly Address: Two Nominees Who Will Fight for the American People


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                  President Obama discusses his nomination of Mary Jo White to lead the Securities and Exchange Commission and Richard Cordray to continue as Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

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                  • West Wing Week 01/25/13 or…“Behind the Scenes: Inauguration 2013”


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                    This week, Washington D.C. was transformed into an historic stage, with an estimated one million people on hand to witness the President and Vice President take the Oath of Office at the United States…

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                    • Behind the Scenes: Surprising White House Visitors


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                      Go behind the scenes at the White House as President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama surprise visitors on tour at the White House the day after the President's second inauguration.

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                      • President Obama Delivers His Second Inaugural Address


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                        President Obama takes the oath of office at the U.S. Capitol and delivers his second inaugural address.

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                        • Be a Part of the Next Four Years


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                          President Obama is committed to making this the most open and participatory administration in history. That begins with taking your questions and comments, inviting you to join online events with…

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