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Call for Proposals

Dear Colleagues, Friends, and Presenters,                                                                

2013 Conference

Join us for our 2013 CCBD conference in Chicago!

The Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders is pleased to announce the location and date for our 2013 Conference: “A Brighter Future: Prevention and Intervention on Behalf of Students with Challenging Behaviors”

September 26 – 28, 2013 Chicago, Illinois

Venue Chicago Marriott O'Hare 

CCBD Response to Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting

Dear CCBD Members,

It is with a heavy heart that we return to work this morning in light of the tragic events at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The senseless loss of life is incomprehensible. As a profession, we lost four dedicated educators affiliated with special education in this tragedy.

CCBD Nominations and Elections Committee Call for Nominees

CCBD Nominations and Elections Committee Call for NomineesThe CCBD Nominations and Elections Committee requests self and suggested nominees for the following positions:

  • Representative B
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Student Member at Large
  • Nominations and Elections Committee

Interested members should submit the following to Diana Rogers-Adkinson

Behavioral Disorders, 30(2), 95-104.

Behavioral Disorders, 30(2), 119-134.

Behavioral Disorders, 30(2), 85-93.

Gallagher, K., Nelson, J., & Lewis, L. (2005).

Behavioral Disorders, 30(2), 135-154.

Behavioral Disorders, 30(2), 105-117.

Unruh, D., & Bullis, M. (2005).

Behavioral Disorders, 30(2), 170-184.




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