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Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los EE.UU.


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Food Topics


FDA’s biotechnology policy, consultation procedures

Dietary Supplements

Overview of dietary supplements and the FDA's role in regulating this group of foods.

Food Defense & Emergency Response

FDA works with other government agencies and private sector organizations to help reduce the risk of tampering or other malicious, criminal, or terrorist actions on the food and cosmetic supply.

Food Ingredients & Packaging

Selected topics of interest about food ingredients and food contact substances

Seguridad alimentaria

Product-specific information on seafood, fruits, vegetables, milk, canned foods, and infant formula

Pautas, cumplimiento e información regulatoria

Information on food-related guidance documents, manufacturing processes, compliance & enforcement, and industry systems.

Actividades internacionales

Information from the FDA Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition on international outreach, exporting and importing into the U.S., and trade agreements related to food safety.

Labeling & Nutrition

Labeling requirements for foods under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.

Noticias y eventos

Access to news releases, Constituent Updates, speeches, reports, upcoming meetings, and other events related to food safety and nutrition.

Recursos para usted

Food safety information for different audiences.

Ciencia e investigación

Information on Food-related research areas, risk assessments, laboratory methods, selected scientific publications and presentations on food safety and nutrition.


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