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On or about September 25, 2012, the US Drought Portal will release a newly designed website. The new design keeps all existing information while also incorporating feedback received from the web as well as from formal surveys of users. The new design includes improved navigation and updated and new sources of information. The old site will be available alongside the new design for a limited time.

This Section Includes
Recovery Home
While NIDIS does not provide monetary relief resources, it does provide information and services to mitigate drought. Since no drought early warning system is perfect, a number of federal and state agencies provide relief and recovery support for drought impacts. Please choose either short-term relief or long-term mitigation efforts on the left for more information. The short-term section provides links to agencies providing relief resources and information. The long-term recovery section is geared more toward information to aid in mitigation and adaptation but long-term recovery resources are also listed. Please feel free to contact the agencies on the list for more information on any of the programs.

The USDA is maintaining a drought assistance website for those hit by the 2012 drought. Click here for access.