The United States Army

Soldier for Life

Mission Statement

Soldier for Life enables Army, governmental, and community efforts to facilitate successful integration of our Soldiers, Veterans, and their Families in order to keep them Army Strong and instill their values, ethos, and leadership within communities.

Key Tasks

  • Serve as the CSA/SA "eyes and ears" on Soldier, Veteran and Family re-integration

  • Identify local economic and social challenges and facilitate solutions through regional/functional specialists

  • Engage organizations and individuals to facilitate successful re-integration of Soldiers and their Families

  • Link and integrate current Army Programs to enhance Soldier re-integration

  • Develop a national engagement and integration strategy that informs and influences action

End State

Soldiers, Veterans, and Families leave military service "career ready" and find an established network of enablers connecting them with the employment, education, and health care required to successfully reintegrate into civilian society.

Frequently Asked Questions

We want to hire a soldier, how do we make the connection?
The U.S. Army G-1 formed a Transition Strategic Outreach Office to assist with making the connections between soldiers and industry. The virtual connection is the Hero 2 Hired website:

We are a non-profit organization and we want to assist Soldiers/Veterans, where do we start?
Contact us by email explaining what your organization does and we'll connect you to the right agency to begin to assist. Email:


Start Strong

Q:Why would I want to join the U.S. Army?
A: Americans are proud of the military and see the Army as a strong career path. The U.S. Army wants the best educated, healthy and strong individuals to join the Army as a profession.

Q: How can I learn about joining the U.S. Army?
A: Go to:

Q: What are some of the Benefits of an Army Career?
A: Go to:


Serve Strong

Q: How can I Serve Strong?
A: Forged in the crucible of austere, highly dynamic situations, Soldiers are adaptable, skilled, team players that desire to Serve Strong. As Soldiers serve, they continue to become stronger through technical skills education, credentialing opportunities, and professional leadership training.

Q: How can I learn about education opportunities within the Army?
A: The Army Continuing Education Service assists Soldiers desiring education:

Q: How can I learn about credentialing?
A: Go to: Credentialing Opportunities On-Line (COOL)

Q: How can I learn about the Post 9/11 GI Bill?
A: Dept of Veteran's Affairs GI Bill Website:


Reintegrate Strong

Q: How can I Reintegrate Strong?
A: In order to Reintegrate Strong Soldiers must approach the Transition process throughout the life cycle of their career in order to be "career ready". We've found that Soldiers and their Families successfully prepare for re-integration through these focus areas: meaningful employment, access to education to improve marketability, and access to quality healthcare.

Q: How can I get help with the Transition Process?
A: The Alumni Career & Alumni Program (ACAP) is the Army's program focused on assist transitioning soldiers to become career ready:

Q: How can I learn about what jobs are available?
A: The Army's One Stop connection for Jobs is the Hero 2 Hired website:

Q: I'm a severely wounded soldier looking for assistance with Transitioning?
A: The Army's Army Wounded Warrior Program assists and advocates for severely wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, and their Families: For more information go to:


Remain Strong

Q: How can I Remain Strong as a Soldier for Life?
A: Soldiers and their Families are the Veterans that are our ambassadors within in the community. Soldiers bring with them invaluable skills to include the Warrior Ethos and Army Values. They are Soldiers for Life Veterans, that Remain Strong, and thereby strengthen our communities and inspire future generations to serve.

Q: How can I learn more about Veteran's Benefits?
A: Go to the Department of Veteran Affairs' information website for Veteran's benefits:

Q: I'm a Veteran and I need help finding a job?
A: Go to the Department of Labor's Veterans assistance program - the Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS): Their job assistance website is MyNextMove:

Q: I'm a Veteran and I want to connect with other Veterans?
A: There are many Veteran Service Organizations that are endorsed by the federal government. The Army.Mil website that links to these organizations is at:

Points of Contact

Director: COL Coss
Sergeant Major: SGM Chapman

Functional Area Leadership
Employment: MAJ Fielder
Education: MAJ Taylor
Healthcare: LTCs Logan & Smith
Nation Programs: MAJ Manglicmot

Contact: 703-545-2637