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The Getaway Career: Deep Inside Brazil's Robust Startup Scene
10/17/2012 7:06:16 AM
Explore a technology boom where the lifestyle is as a sweet as the payoff--and more certain. In the conclusion of our two-part series, 24-year-old Canadian Ilya Brotzky heads back to Brazil, willing to be lucky. He is far from alone.
Startups: Big-Time Marketing Muscle for Small Businesses
10/17/2012 8:11:40 AM
You can't risk a click on the internet without triggering some kind of marketing deluge, but that hasn't soured investors' taste for more. The latest startup to get some cash for selling your company's image is LocalVox.
7 Deadly Roadblocks for Startup Entrepreneurs
10/17/2012 9:00:21 AM
Starting a new business? You might want to avoid these like the plague.
The challenge – and the roadmap – to landing a great engineer for your startup
10/13/2012 11:32:31 AM
While many employers consider a signed offer letter the end of the hiring cycle, I’ve learned that there are no guarantees in the business of tech recruiting, and anything can happen at any time. Indeed, recruiters from other companies were approaching him from all angles.
Romney, Obama Release Statements On How To Grow Tech Startups
10/13/2012 3:06:13 PM
Both presidential campaigns released statements on how they would grow the technology startup Industry. In letters addressed to the regional trade organization, NYTechMeeetup, both candidates gave moderately specific answers.
A Founder's Guide To Replacing Yourself: A Few Weeks Ago I Made My Toughest HR Decision Yet — I Fired Myself
10/14/2012 12:06:13 AM
Entrepreneurs have plenty to worry about: raising enough capital, keeping competitors at bay, recruiting talent, acquiring paying customers, rising above the noise, defining new industries and keeping their teams focused on innovating. Another is the worrying about whether your board of directors will shove you aside.
BC: Canada's new startup hub
10/13/2012 12:50:08 PM
Canada’s small business landscape, it seems, is a case study in shifting power-regions. While Ontario might dominate Canadians’ collective imagination as the country’s startup hub, in reality, the centre of gravity for small businesses is shifting westward.
Veterans turn into entrepreneurs
10/13/2012 7:40:38 PM
Veterans are well-represented in the entrepreneurial ranks. Nearly one in 10 small businesses are veteran-owned, and retired service members are at least 45 percent more likely than those without active-duty military experience to be self-employed, according to the Small Business Administration.

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