News & Events


Young Entrepreneur wins Business Plan Competition. See Crain's Chicago Business video.

Intersect for Disability (I4D) Launch

The Coleman Foundation BLOG

See What We Fund Recent Grants

Entrepreneurship Educator Newsletter


Featured Grants

Building an Entrepreneurial Pathway One Campus at a Time National Association for Community Colleges Entrepreneurship

Upcoming Conferences

Entrepreneurship: Finding your opportunity in today's economy National Association for Community Colleges Entrepreneurship (NACCE) Oct. 11-14, 2009, Chicago, Illinois

Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization CEO conference -- Oct. 22-24, 2009 Chicago, Illinois

Entrepreneurship Education Forum November 6-10, 2009, Norfolk, VA


Welcome to The Coleman Foundation

The Coleman Foundation, Inc. is a private, independent grantmaking foundation established in the state of Illinois in 1951. The Foundation funds educational institutions offering entrepreneurship education throughout the United States; organizations conducting cancer research and providing cancer care; and agencies providing services for individuals with developmental disabilities only in the Chicago Metropolitan area - its primary geographical focus.

The major program areas of grantmaking include:

  • Education - predominantly to unique education institutions with a strong emphasis on entrepreneurship education and awareness.
  • Cancer Care - including support services, treatment and research with an emphasis on translational or applied outcomes.
  • Services for Disabled - with a strong emphasis on programs that encourage self development and independence for individuals with developmental disabilities, including rehabilitative services and conductive education programming for children with motor disabilities.