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Reining in Washington Spending

Reining in Washington Spending

America Speaking Out Town Hall Meeting

We are on course to be the first generation in America's history to leave the next generation with less freedom and a lower standard of living.  Without reform, over the course of the next generation, federal spending is set to grow from its post-World War II historic average of 20% of the economy to 40%.

Our nation finds itself on the verge of national bankruptcy as a result of Washington politicians borrowing from future generations to pay for constituencies today through policies that have attempted to spend, borrow, and bailout our way to economic prosperity.  I have been a leader in the fight against Washington’s spending spree in order to save the American Dream as it drowns in a sea of red ink.  I am fighting to protect the family budget from the federal budget to ensure we do not allow the torch of liberty to be mortgaged as a result of reckless Washington spending and so the American Dream will be bigger and brighter for the next generation.

  • I serve as the co-chairman of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit reduction. Established under the Budget Control Act of 2011, this committee is charged with issuing a formal recommendation on how to reduce the deficit by at least $1.5 trillion over the next ten. To learn more about the committee, please click here.
  • I previously served as one of 18 members on the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.  Established by a presidential order, this commission is charged with coming up with reforms to put our nation on a sustainable fiscal path.  My work on the commission focused on solutions to rein in out of control spending and to ensure than any recommendations protect taxpayers.   
  • I have introduced an amendment to the United States Constitution to limit federal spending to no more than 20% of the economy- the historical average since World War II (H. J. Res. 5).  Absent efforts to rein in spending, within the next generation, federal spending is set to double in size as a share of the economy.  Either massive tax increases or unprecedented levels of debt will be required to finance spending at this level.  This will leave future generations of Americans with less opportunity, less freedom, and a lower standard of living.

October 26, 2012 Hensarling Statement on New GDP Report

September 14, 2012 Hensarling Statement on Administration’s Sequestration Report

September 7, 2012 Hensarling Statement on President Obama’s Failure to Meet Legal Deadline, Explain Defense Cuts

September 4, 2012 Hensarling Statement on U.S. Debt Reaching $16 Trillion


May 17, 2012 In Case You Missed it: Hensarling on CNN’s Starting Point

May 4, 2012 Hensarling Statement on April 2012 Unemployment Report

April 20, 2012 Hensarling Statement on CBO Report Confirming President Obama’s Budget Would Hurt Economy

March 29, 2012 Hensarling Statement on Passage of House GOP “Path to Prosperity” Budget

February 17, 2012 Hensarling Statement on Third Anniversary of Failed ‘Stimulus’ Bill

February 7, 2012 Hensarling Floor Statement on the Budget and Accounting Transparency Act of 2012

February 1, 2012 Hensarling Statement on House Repeal of the CLASS Act

November 18, 2011 Hensarling Calls for Passage of Balanced Budget Amendment (VIDEO)

September 9, 2011 Hensarling Statement on 10th Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks

September 8, 2011 Hensarling Response to the President’s Address to Congress

August 1, 2011 Hensarling Statement on Revised Budget Control Act of 2011

July 30, 2011 Hensarling Statement on Reid Plan Vote

July 29, 2011 Hensarling Statement on Passage of the Budget Control Act of 2011

July 18, 2011 Hensarling Responds to President Obama’s Threat to Veto Cut, Cap and Balance Legislation

June 29, 2011 Hensarling Discusses Jobs, Economy in Forney

June 22, 2011 Hensarling Statement on Long-Term CBO Outlook

May 31, 2011 Hensarling Statement in Opposition to Raising Debt Limit Without Spending Cuts

April 28, 2011 Hensarling Discusses Federal Debt Crisis

April 18, 2011 Hensarling Statement on S&P Downgrade of America’s Long-term Credit Rating from “Stable” to “Negative”

April 14, 2011 Hensarling Statement on House Republicans’ “Path to Prosperity” Budget

April 13, 2011 Hensarling Statement on the President’s Deficit Speech

April 7, 2011 Hensarling Statement on Passage of the Troop Funding Bill and House Republican Efforts to Keep the Government Open

April 5, 2011 Hensarling Statement on the House Republican Budget Proposal: “Path to Prosperity”

April 4, 2011 Hensarling Statement on Spending Negotiations

March 30, 2011 National Taxpayers Union Recognizes Hensarling As One Of The Top Spending Reducers In The House

March 23, 2011 Hensarling Statement on One-Year Anniversary of ‘Obamacare’

March 23, 2011 Hensarling Discusses Federal Debt & Spending Cuts: Congressman Discusses Recent Spending Cuts and Need for Fiscal Sanity

March 18, 2011 Hensarling Re-Introduces Legislation to End Taxpayer Funded Bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

March 17, 2011 Hensarling Statement on House Vote to Defund NPR

February 17, 2011 Hensarling Statement on Two Year Anniversary of the Failed Stimulus

February 15, 2011 Congressman Hensarling Highlights House Majority’s Commitment to Creating a Better Environment for Job Growth

February 8, 2011 Hensarling Discusses Jobs, Spending Cuts

July 29, 2010 Hensarling: What Part of Broke Don't Democrats Understand?

July 28, 2010 Hensarling: this is a program that could save taxpayers $1.1 billion

July 23, 2010 Hensarling On OMB Mid-Session Review

July 8, 2010 Hensarling Hosts America Speaking Out Town Hall Meetings

June 23, 2010 Hensarling & Ryan: We Need To Cut Spending Now

March 19, 2010 Recommended Reading: Why Oppose Deeming The Health Care Bill?