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Historical Significant Events Imagery
Image Details
Description: Hurricane Katrina Poster - 36" x 30" Glossy
Filename: /pub/data/images/hurr-katrina-poster-8x10.jpg
Event Date (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM): 08/28/2005 00:00 UTC
Category: Hurricanes, Typhoons & Other Tropical Systems
Event Name: Hurricane Katrina
Location: Gulf of Mexico
Satellite Name: NOAA-18
Channel: Blend of Channels
Enhancement Type: Multi-Channel Color Composite
Media Type: Image
Projection: Lambert Conformal
Mapping: Yes
Spatial Resolution: 1 Kilometer
Source: NCDC
High Resolution Version Available?: No (72 DPI)
On-Line Viewing Availability: Yes
Most Popular?: Most Popular / Most Requested Yes
On-Line Ordering Availability: Order A Print! Yes