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Established in 1963
Chartered by Congress 1992
Serving the TOTAL ENLISTED Force
Active Duty -- Veterans -- Retired -- Reserves -- National Guard
Mission Statement: To enhance the quality of life for uniformed services enlisted personnel, their families and survivors-including active duty, veterans, Reserves, National Guard, and all retirees; to stop the erosion of earned benefits through our legislative efforts, to maintain our esprit de corps, dedication and patriotism, and to continue our devotion and allegiance to God and Country.



From Washington: News for the Enlisted


There have been more hearings and talk on what happened at our consulate in Bengazi… and guns…and immigration and now the SEQUESTER. But things are settling into normal functioning. Now what everyone is doing in the northeast is bracing for a blizzard. For all of you in the storm’s bath stay warm and safe.

1) More Legislation Introduced - All “Concurrent Receipt” Bills Now Introduced in 113th Session of Congress
2) And Even More New Military/Veteran Legislation
3) Federal Government Announces End of Push to Create a Lifetime Electronic Military Health Record
4) Vietnam Vets: Be Sure To Check the Agent Orange Blue/Brown Navy Ship List
5) Small (But Interesting) Bits of Information
6) And Finally, a Good Piece of News for the Guard and Reserve in a Congressional Press Release

Click here to read Entire Update

IMPORTANT: Chained CPI and Potential Impacts

The current CPI does not keep adequate pace with inflation and puts all recipients behind the power curve, as anyone who receives benefits can attest, against actual inflation.  Our affiliate, TSCL, has taken and will continue to take a stand regarding CPI computations and most significantly this current methodology. TREA cosigned a letter (with several other organizations) that was sent to Congress opposing the proposal to substitute a chained CPI calculation. This could have significant potential reductions in benefits especially over the long term. 

Click here to read the letter


How Bad is the "Chained CPI?" (Click to Read)


See the 2012 Veterans Day Photo Albums
Click Here

2012 Convention Pictures - Click Here









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