Program Offices



Export Administration

Office of Exporter Services (OExS):

This office is responsible for counseling exporters, conducting export control seminars and drafting and publishing changes to the Export Administration Regulations It is also responsible for licensing and compliance actions relating to the special comprehensive license, and for administering the processing of license applications and commodity classifications.

Bernie Kritzer, Director
Office of Exporter Services
14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW
U.S. Department of Commerce
Washington DC 20230

Tel. 202-482-0436
Fax 202-482-3322


Outreach and Educational Services Division

Office of Exporter Services
Outreach and Educational Services Division
14th St. & Pennsylvania Ave., NW
U.S. Department of Commerce Washington DC 20230
Phone: (202) 482-4811
Fax: (202) 482-2927

General Email Inquiries l Seminar Email Inquiries

Western Regional Office

Michael Hoffman, Director
BIS Western Regional Office
2302 Martin Street, Suite 330
Irvine, CA 92612
Phone: (949) 660-0144
Fax: (949) 660-9347

General Email Inquiries l Seminars Email Inquiries 

Northern California Branch

BIS Western Regional Office
160 W. Santa Clara Street
Suite 725
San Jose, CA 95113
Phone: 408-998-8806
Fax: 408-998-8677

General General Email Inquiries l Seminar Email Inquiries


Office of Nonproliferation and Treaty Compliance (NPTC):

This office is responsible for administering the Commerce Department’s multilateral export control responsibilities under the Nuclear Suppliers Group, the Missile Technology Control Regime and the "Australia Group" (chemical and biological controls). It also administers U.S. unilateral foreign policy export controls. In addition, this office is responsible for the industrial compliance provisions of arms control and disarmament treaties (e.g., Chemical Weapons Convention and Additional Protocol) and for representing U.S. industry and security interests in the multilateral arms control and disarmament deliberations (e.g., Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention).

Alexander Lopes, Director
Office of Nonproliferation and Treaty Compliance
14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
U.S. Department of Commerce
Washington DC 20230

Tel. 202-482-3825
Fax 202-482-3322


Office of National Security and Technology Transfer Controls (NSTTC):

This office is responsible for issues related to national security export and reexport controls. It implements multilateral export controls for national security reasons to comply with the Wassenaar Arrangement to control the spread of dual-use goods and related technologies. It is also responsible for U.S. export control policy for encryption and administers the export licensing responsibilities for foreign nationals under the "deemed export" technology rule. It also administers the "short supply" provisions of the Export Administration Regulations. This office is responsible for policy actions, export licenses, commodity classifications, license determinations, and advisory opinions for affected commodities and is the focal point for commodity jurisdiction assessments.

Eileen Albanese, Director
Office of National Security and Technology Transfer Controls
14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW
U.S. Department of Commerce Washington, D.C. 20230

Tel. 202-482-0092
Fax 202-482-4094


Office of Strategic Industry and Economic Security (SIES):

Office of Technology Evaluation (OTE):

Office of Export Enforcement (OEE):

Office of Enforcement Analysis (OEA):

Office of Antiboycott Compliance (OAC):

Enforcement Field Offices