Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)
ECISEnergyRenewable EnergySolar EnergyPhotovoltaicsAdvanced Research & Development

Advanced Research & Development

Today’s energy world requires dynamic, innovative thinking and the flexibility to rapidly accommodate changing market demands.  The solar photovoltaics (PV) industry has advanced significantly in recent years, yet the PV world of tomorrow has only been imagined.  Sandia National Laboratories contributes to the advancement of PV technology through research in advanced PV technologies, such as III-V thin cells, and advanced small and thin c-Si.  The lab also offers extensive experience and expertise in systems integration, micro-fabrication, MEMS and microsystem technologies, semiconductor device technology, and advanced PV systems analysis.

Sandia researcher Greg Nielson, team leader on the Microsystems-Enabled Photovoltaic cell project, holds up a sample of the cells that won a regional Excellence in Technology Transfer Award from the Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC). (Photo by Randy Montoya)

Sandia researcher Greg Nielson, team leader on the Microsystems-Enabled Photovoltaic cell project, holds up a sample of the cells that won a regional Excellence in Technology Transfer Award from the Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC). (Photo by Randy Montoya)

SNL’s advanced research and development (R&D) supports the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) goals to reduce PV system costs and facilitate high penetration of PV technologies into the nation’s energy mix.

We are collaboratively working with the U.S. photovoltaic industry, the DOE, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, other government agencies, and international organizations to increase the world-wide use of photovoltaic power systems by reducing cost, improving reliability, increasing performance, removing barriers, and growing markets.

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