Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS)
ECISClimateCarbon ManagementEarth Science

Earth Science

Welcome to the Sandia National Laboratories’ Earth Science Council website. This site serves as the introduction to Sandia’s earth science programs, capabilities, staff, and accomplishments. The purpose of this site is to integrate earth sciences at Sandia and leverage our multidisciplined team of scientists and facilities to solve problems of global importance. To learn more about our innovative programs, please scroll through the EXPLORE PROGRAMS view finder below. To learn more about earth sciences at Sandia and potential collaborations, please click on the tabs on the left side of this page.

Explore Our Programs:

Mission & Overview:

As the stewards of cutting-edge capabilities in a broad array of technical areas within the geosciences, Sandia’s Earth Science Council meshes capabilities across the laboratories, increases synergy, and magnifies the impact of the earth science community on national security issues. Our mission is to broaden our outreach in multiple sectors (including industry and academia) and provide solutions to our nation’s most challenging energy surety and infrastructure problems. We seek partners whose goals and objective are aligned with benefiting the national interests of the United States.

The Earth Science Council of Sandia National Laboratories supports all of the Strategic Management Units (SMUs) which include the Energy, Climate, and Infrastructure Security (ECIS) SMU, the International, Homeland, & Nuclear Security (IHNS) SMU, the Nuclear Weapon SMU and the Defense Systems & Assessments (DS&A) SMU.

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