USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Global Health

Getting to Zero and Eliminating Extreme Poverty

Climate change drives population problems in Uganda. The population lives largely in poverty. And with increasing droughts and heavy, erratic rains destroying farmland and spreading disease, it is important to establish alternative livelihoods for food and create awareness of adaptation for environmental changes – both priorities to protect the wildlife and wild lands.  Photo credit: Julie Larsen Maher, Wildlife Conservation Society

During his State of the Union address, the President articulated a vision that represented one of the clearest, most direct calls to development action in recent years. At USAID, we’ve spent considerable time analyzing what it would take to eradicate extreme poverty. Read more >>

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Success in India Paramount to Ending Preventable Child Deaths Globally

Ariel Pablos-Mendez, PhD, is the Assistant Administrator for Global Health

As I told DevEx during India’s Call to Action Summit, “success in India is paramount to see the global success and vision of ending preventable child deaths in this generation.” Read more >>

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Accelerating Innovation and Impact in Global Health

A child peers around the corner in the waiting room of the HIV Comprehensive Care Clinic of Meru District Hospital in Kenya’s Eastern province as two pediatricians stand in the background. Photo credit: Mia Collis, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Global health practitioners are recognizing the need to look beyond their traditional operating models and seek new solutions to reach the world’s most vulnerable. Read more >>

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Ten Things You Should Know About the State Department and USAID

With just over one percent of the entire federal budget, State and USAID have a huge impact on how Americans live and how the rest of the world engages with America. Read more >>

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Ethiopia Hosts African Leaders to Accelerate Gains in Child Survival

Ethiopia's Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Tedros Adhanom opens the African Leadership for Child Survival meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Photo credit: UNICEF

Today it was an honor for me to join African colleagues in health and development at the opening of the African Leadership for Child Survival – A Promise Renewed. Read more >>

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Ethiopia Shares Best Practice for Maternal and Child Survival

Members of the press interview women at a health center in Mikawa, Ethiopia. Photo credit: Nicole Schiegg

In advance of tomorrow’s African Leadership on Child Survival meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the Ministry of Health organized a media site-visit to showcase their community health extension program and its impact on the country’s tremendous reductions in child mortality. Read more >>

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FrontLines Year in Review: Children’s Saviors on the Front Lines

Community health worker Rosalina Casimiro meets with children in Nampula province, Mozambique, to demonstrate how to purify water prior to drinking. Photo credit: Luisa Chadreque, Pathfinder Nampula

Front-line health workers are the first and often the only link to health care for millions of children in the developing world. Read more >>

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Interagency Panel on Economic Statecraft to Create Competitive Foreign Markets

Eric Postel speaks at the Economic Statecraft panel. Photo Credit: Pat Adams, USAID.

Last Monday, December 10, I had the opportunity to speak at an interagency panel on the topic of Economic Statecraft and Developing Partnerships with the Private Sector. Read more >>

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Changing the World for Children

Susan Hillis and her family. Dr. Hillis is a senior advisor for Global Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Photo Credit: XXXX

The historic launch of the U.S. Government Action Plan on Children in Adversity on December 19 makes me believe that my dream has become yours Read more >>

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Shared Responsibility: The Catalyst for Long-Term Success in HIV & AIDS

Ariel Pablos-Mendez, PhD, is the Assistant Administrator for Global Health

This is a remarkable time to be in Global Health. The successes we are seeing now would not have been achieved without the shared responsibility and partnerships that have been forged over the years Read more >>

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