USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Family planning

The Other Half of the Family Planning Equation

As Father’s Day approaches I look back to when my wife and I first decided to have children. We married fairly late, both in our early 30s, so we planned to have our first child just a couple years after we married. It was an exciting time; much thought went into planning our family. We [...]

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Women Shouldn’t Have to Be Sneaky to Get the Family Planning They Want

By Daniel Cothran, MPH, AIDSTAR-One Program Officer. AIDSTAR-One is managed by USAID’s Office of HIV/AIDS, and provides rapid technical assistance to USAID and U.S. Government country teams to build effective, well-managed, and sustainable HIV and AIDS programs and promotes new leadership in the global campaign against HIV. Yes, I said it. But it’s not my [...]

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Integrating Family Planning, HIV, and MNCH Services in Ethiopia and Kenya

By Ed Scholl, AIDSTAR-One Project Director,  AIDSTAR-One is funded by USAID’s Office of HIV/AIDS, and provides rapid technical assistance to USAID and U.S. Government country teams to build effective, well-managed, and sustainable HIV and AIDS programs and promotes new leadership in the global campaign against HIV. Alice arrives at a health center in Western Province, [...]

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U.S. Provides Equipment To Female Health Workers in Pakistan

More than 1,500 Lady Health Workers who work in areas in the areas of Punjab and Sindh provinces in Pakistan will receive kits of basic equipment to help them as they offer vital health care services to families in their communities. This donation is part of the United States’ continuing support for Pakistan’s flood relief [...]

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The Ability to Plan Your Family Is a Game Changer

By: Ryan Cherlin Having seven children would be a challenge for any woman. In a developing nation like Mali, where the average number of children per woman is 6.6, calling it a challenge may be an understatement. Because they fall pregnant at an early age, young mothers don’t have the opportunity to finish their education, [...]

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Digital Birth Control On Your iPhone

By: Ryan Cherlin Just when you thought there was an application for everything, now you can download birth control to your smart phones. The ability to plan or prevent pregnancy is something most couples in developed nations take for granted. In poor countries where health systems are often weak and individuals can’t afford to see [...]

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The Straight Facts: The Plight of Women

Submitted by Sandra Jordan Women around the globe should be celebrated for their extraordinary contributions in all areas of society – as professionals, as bread-winners, as caregivers and caretakers. But we must also focus on the stark reality that women suffer disproportionately from poor access to health services, discrimination, the effects of war, and, at [...]

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Gender Equality: The Development Community’s Key Ingredient to Realizing a Positive ROI

Submitted by Ryan Cherlin Return on Investment (ROI) is a popular metric used by organizations to determine if what they spend is adding value to their bottom line. For-profit organizations typically measure the bottom line in numerical terms; the bottom line for the U.S. Agency for International Development is measured in progress toward the betterment [...]

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African First Ladies Fellowship to Strengthen Leadership on Health and Social Ills

By Rear Adm. (ret) Tim Ziemer, U.S. Global Malaria Coordinator Today I participated in the first RAND African First Ladies Fellowship Program workshop, hosted in partnership with American University.  The fellowship program, together with Women’s Campaign International, is working to strengthen the capacity of Africa’s first ladies and their offices to address health and social [...]

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USAID Celebrates World Contraception Day

Submitted by Ryan Cherlin Every year on 26 September,  World Contraception Day draws attention to the importance of contraception and the role of the individual. This year’s World Contraception Day theme is “Take Responsibility”. Choosing whether to use contraception is a deeply personal decision that each individual is responsible for making.  USAID works with countries [...]

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