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10th Regional Support Group Japan News Archive

8th TSC Senior Enlisted Highlights Changes with Soldiers in Japan
By Sgt. 1st Class Howard Reed
10th Regional Support Group, Office of Public Affairs
Torii Station, Okinawa, Japan
Command Sgt. Maj. Nathan Hunt, command sgt. maj., 8th Theater Sustainment Command, shares information about the Army’s Qualitative Management Program (QMP) and Qualitative Service Program (QSP) with Soldiers of the 10th Regional Support Group at Kadena’s Hangar 3, Jan. 24th. Hunt educated 10th RSG Soldiers on the purpose and scope of both programs and talked about the impact to the Army’s force structure.

KADENA AIR BASE, Okinawa, Japan – Command Sgt. Maj. Nathan Hunt, CSM., 8th Theater Sustainment Command, paid a visit to Soldiers of the 10th Regional Support Group on Jan. 24th at Kadena Air Base, Hangar 3.

Hunt talked with Soldiers during a Non Commissioned Officer, Professional Development Session regarding the upcoming changes Soldiers and family members will experience as a result of personnel draw downs and budget constraints across the Department of Defense. The highlight of Hunt’s message was educating Soldiers on the Qualitative Management and Service Programs or QMP and QSP.

"We expect people in our formation to be affected by this as these represent trying times in our Army, but we’re going to get thru it. We’ve experienced this before and my recommendation is for Soldiers to expect changes and expect them very soon," explained Hunt.

Hunt added QMP will look at sergeants first class through command sergeant majors for denial of continued service based on performance, conduct and potential for advancement that is not conducive to Army standards.

The overall objective is to ensure the Army identifies, selects and retains the highest quality NCOs who display the greatest potential for continued service and to retain those Soldiers within Army formations.

The Army’s QSP sets out to identify a number of NCO’s in the rank of staff sergeant through command sergeant major for possible separation in the active component and Army Reserve program.

It’s broken down into two areas, over strength and promotion stagnation of military occupational specialties or MOS.

In retrospect both areas complement each other by identifying an over strength MOS that is not promoting at a certain rank, thus creating a stagnant promotion environment in specific positions.

During the session Soldiers asked questions to ensure they understood the Army’s intent to bring down personnel numbers. Staff Sgt. Parvin Rosario, construction engineer supervisor, 10th RSG, inquired about several areas that relate to his career aspirations as a young engineer with six years of service of experience. Specifically he asked Hunt if he should be concerned about low promotion rates in the future.

"As a young Staff Sergeant getting looked at for Sergeant First Class next year the topics discussed today will help me tremendously in putting together my packet. Plus, this will assist me prioritize items I need to complete in my professional career preparing me for the selection process," explained Rosario.

Rosario added he feels the upcoming changes are needed in order to keep the Army moving forward and to keep Soldiers mission focused.

Hunt’s final word to Soldiers who will not face separation under either program was to remain committed to the Army and stay focused on their career paths.

"We’re going through turbulent times. It’s all about self determination, it’s a team effort and we will get through whatever we’re facing together as a team," said Hunt.

Staff Sgt. Parvin Rosario, right, combat engineer supervisor, 10th Regional Support Group, listens closely during an NCO Professional Development at Kadena Air Base Hangar 3, Jan. 24th. Parvin, a Newark, N.J. native, says he agrees with the Army’s efforts to trim the force and believes it will create a stronger Army in the future.
10th RSG Soldiers listens as Command Sgt. Maj. Nathan Hunt, command sgt. maj., 8th TSC discuss the Army’s QMP and QSP program.