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Wheat Outlook: July 2012

by Gary Vocke and Olga Liefert

Outlook No. (WHS-12G) 19 pp, July 2012

Projected U.S. wheat supplies for 2012/13 are raised 5 million bushels, with higher estimated beginning stocks more than offsetting lower forecast production. Beginning stocks were reported in the June 29 Grain Stocks report 15 million bushels above last month’s projection. Feed and residual disappearance, seed use, and exports are all lowered slightly for 2011/12. Production for 2012/13 is reduced 10 million bushels as a 14-million-bushel reduction in winter wheat is only partly offset by a higher forecast for spring wheat.

Keywords: Production, Import, Export, Stocks, Wheat classes, Supply and Use, Harvested Area, WHS-12g, july 2012

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Last updated: Friday, July 13, 2012

For more information contact: Gary Vocke and Olga Liefert