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Oil Crops Outlook: April 2012

by Mark Ash

Outlook No. (OCS-12d) 17 pp, April 2012

USDA’s Prospective Plantings report in March indicated that U.S. farmers intend to reduce the acreage sown to soybeans this year by 1.4 percent to 73.9 million acres as expected returns for corn were more attractive. Also, growers intend this spring to increase U.S. sunflowerseed acreage by 17 percent to 1.8 million acres, canola by 45 percent to a U.S.-record 1.56 million acres, and peanuts by 25 percent to 1.4 million acres.

Keywords: Soybean S&D, Soybean meal, soybean oil, cottonseed, cottonseed oil, peanuts, oilseed prices, vegetable meal prices

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Last updated: Wednesday, May 30, 2012

For more information contact: Mark Ash