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Where’s the (Not) Meat?—Byproducts From Beef and Pork Production

by Daniel Marti, Rachel Johnson, and Kenneth Mathews

Outlook No. (LDPM-209-01) 30 pp, November 2011

The report describes the many uses for animal byproducts—both inedible and edible—and estimates the volume of production of beef and pork variety meats in the United States in addition to the proportion of value added to the live animal from the byproducts. The value added to U.S. meat trade and the role of variety meats in the global marketplace is also evaluated.

Keywords: animal byproducts, offal, edible, inedible, variety meats, hogs, cattle, trade

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Last updated: Sunday, May 27, 2012

For more information contact: Daniel Marti, Rachel Johnson, and Kenneth Mathews