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China's Ongoing Agricultural Modernization: Challenges Remain After 30 Years of Reform

by Bryan Lohmar, Fred Gale, Francis Tuan, and James Hansen

Economic Information Bulletin No. (EIB-51) 59 pp, April 2009

Cover image for eib51 Thirty years ago China began implementing a series of reforms to improve efficiency in agricultural production. Since then reforms have reshaped China’s agriculture and elevated its position in the world economy. This report provides an overview of current issues in China’s agricultural development, policy responses to these issues, and assesses the effects of these policies on China’s growing role in international markets.

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Keywords: China, economic reform, economic development, agricultural production, agricultural trade

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Last updated: Saturday, May 26, 2012

For more information contact: Bryan Lohmar, Fred Gale, Francis Tuan, and James Hansen