Posts Tagged ‘Joffrey Ballet’

March 6, 2012: Joffrey Ballet

Friday, March 9th, 2012

Guest Blog by Julie Jacobson

On Saturday night we enjoyed a wonderful cultural treat at the NAC when the Joffrey Ballet came to town.  Based in Chicago and currently led by Artistic Director Ashley Wheater, the company turned in a beautiful and energetic performance.

In the first two pieces  “In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated” (originally commissioned by Nureyev for the Paris Opera Ballet) and “After the Rain”, the dancers’ incredible athleticism and grace were highlighted by minimal costumes and moody lighting.

Ambassador Jacobson, Julie Jacobson, and Embassy Cultural Attaché Crystal Meriwether with NAC Dance Producer Cathy Levy and the Joffrey Ballet dancers. Photo courtesy of Temur Suluashvili.

My favorite was the final piece, “Age of Innocence”, which had its world premiere at the Joffrey in Chicago a few years ago.  Choreographed by Edwaard Liang, with music by Philip Glass and Thomas Newman, the ballet addresses the repression and resilience of women in the Victorian era.  The splendid costumes and stirring music were a perfect accompaniment to an exquisite ballet.

Along with members of our Public Affairs team, we went backstage after the performance to meet the lively young dancers.  They were excited that the U.S. Ambassador (from Chicago!) was there to greet them, but truly the thrill was all ours.