Posts Tagged ‘2011 Hours Against Hate’

December 13, 2011: Ottawa

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

By Guest Blogger Farah Pandith

No matter where in the world we are, people mark happy occasions with sweets. My first official visit to Canada began the same way, when my driver dashed into Ottawa’s Moulin de Provence café in the ByWard Market and returned with an “Obama Cookie”: a shortbread maple leaf cookie covered in swirls of red icing with “Canada” written boldly across it.

Farah Pandith speaks at a public event at the University of Ottawa

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton created the position of Special Representative to Muslim Communities following President Obama’s 2009 speech in Cairo. My job is global: find areas of common interest and build long-term relationships, people-to-people and within civil society, particularly with young, vibrant, connected, active “digital natives”. Coming to Canada was a wonderful opportunity to meet outstanding young people, and to hear first-hand the experience of Canadian Muslims, and the issues front and center in their lives.

Farah Pandith with University of Ottawa students at the Association of Progressive Muslims of Canada Eid Dinner

They spoke, and I heard. I was energized by my conversation with Carleton students about how issues of race, gender, and religion have changed in the world after 9/11. Students at University of Ottawa evoked their concerns about media portrayal of Islam. Participants in a video conference with Ottawa, Québec City, Calgary, Winnipeg and Vancouver asked how we can educate Muslims and non-Muslims about each other. A student at Ridgewood High School wanted to know how Muslims in America and Canada differ. I was honored to Keynote the Eid Dinner of the Association of Progressive Muslims of Canada, and celebrate their efforts to open doors to dialogue and understanding. Throughout my visit I heard many welcome America’s greater efforts to listen to Muslim voices and respect the diversity of Muslim experiences around the world.

Farah Pandith and Ann Taillon, Vice Principal of Ridgemont High School in Ottawa

Several students I met have already sent me Twitter messages, asking questions and sharing ideas. I welcome staying in touch via Facebook ( or Twitter (@Farah_Pandith).

There was no better day than UN World Tolerance Day to share the 2011 Hours Against Hate campaign, launched jointly with my colleague Hannah Rosenthal, the U.S. Envoy to Combat and Monitor Anti-Semitism. This action-oriented awareness campaign asks people to pledge time for someone who doesn’t look like them, pray like them, or live like them. I hope you’ll check it out and join us!

Farah Pandith and a Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officer at the Eid Dinner

I departed Canada, headed for Thanksgiving with my family in New England, with certainly one more thing to be thankful for: my great experience in Canada and the warm welcome that I received. Thank you!

Farah Pandith
State Department Special Representative to Muslim Communities